47. hollywood day 1

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"We're gonna miss pickup if you don't hurry." Keith said, trudging Lance's luggage to the door. " Ten minutes. "

"Ineedtwendy-" Came back the garbled voice of Lance, calling over the blaring Ariana Grande in the bathroom as he brushed his teeth. "Also don't forget my cosmetics bags-"

Keith deadpanned. "Bags?" He groaned. Theres more??

It was finally November 1st, and after their Halloween sleepover falling asleep to Coraline, it was hard to rush out the door. Even at almost noon.

"Yeah, yeah." Lance said, siding out of the bathroom and rushing to his closet. " Don't they come here to pick us up anyway? What are you so worried about? "

Keith struggled to drag Lance's suitcases to the door. "I don't wanna ruin their schedule?? Is that so bad?"

" Eh, " Lance said, coming from his room in adidas sweatpants and a button up polo. "I'm the main attraction so, today the world revolves around moi."

Keith smiled at that, sliding on Lance's jacket. " Uh-huh, well your chariot is waiting m'lady. " he said, opening the door with a bow.

"That's more like it." Lance said with a wink, before sauntering playfully out the door.

Keith chuckled under his breathe, before grabbing the bags.


" Gosh- brought the whole closet didn't you?" Allura chuckled, as Keith slumped to the Ford transit, sweat beading up on his forehead.

"You guys could help me y'know-" He said.

They laughed at that, but helped him add Lance's stuff to the trunk of the van, only to see Allura had brought twice as much.

"You guys act like they won't be providing our outfits-" Lotor said, leaning against the van's sliding door with a faint smile.

"We won't be constantly modeling. There will be parties, and pools, and restaurants.-" Allura said with dignity. "Very important."

"Yeah, uh huh." Keith said, throwing in his one suitcase.

"It is!" She said with a fake pout. Lotor chuckled at that, before sliding an arm around her shoulder as they piled into the van.

They caught word of Hunk and his family being picked up in an identical van, the modeling studios in their area starting the road trip to Hollywood.

Their friends were coming too, split into two carpool groups. Pidge, Matt, and Shiro took the jeep, while Shay, Romelle and Coran rode in Shay's nissan. Shiro stopped by Rachel's house to drop Kosmo off for the weekend, and they were on the road.

Carpool vans and trucks sped down the interstate, as the morning sun began to dim down. Walk the Moon blared from Matt's phone as he drove, and Pidge sent Lance videos of Shiro falling asleep in the back of the car. Hunk found himself sandwiched between the twins, their words a mile a minute as their excitement built up.


It was on everyone's mind- the energy and royalty they felt going to such a prestigious place. It overwhelmed them, and at the same time no one could stop smiling.

Coran whistled along to his classical music, Romelle excitedly explaining to Shay all the outfits she had picked out for the weekend, and how excited she was to stay in the vip hotel with everyone.

The friend group coming had been an addition to the reward of the models' hard work. They could invite their friends to stay in a separate hotel, and they would all get their own viewing lanes at runway events.

Hot Mess ~Klance Modeling AuWhere stories live. Discover now