25. champagne

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lmao v complicated: I was gonna update hot mess sooner, but I just couldn't find the right fanart for the chapter and you guys know how particular I am about the media for my chapters,,, so I contacted a friend on instagram, an artist, and told her my specific request lol. She is really popular so she usually does commissions but I'm broke af, so we made a trade. She knows I write, so she requested the baseball au (which is in my oneshots book) so yeah, just wanted to put that out there haha hope you guys enjoy the Altean modeling party art as much as I doooooo :))


Wednesday, the 20th of September came fast. For the models, and for Keith, the week flew by with last minute decisions and problems. Keith finished the digital portfolio of Lance's best pictures the night before the party, and Lance had been modeling all night long with him. Luckily, everyone at Altea had the day off before the party started at 5 p.m.

Keith slept late, up until almost two p.m, but Lance was up at ten o'clock sharp, ready to head over to Allura's.

The two had made a deal to help each other get ready for the party. Simply put, Lance would do Allura's hair, and Allura would do Lance's makeup.

Allura's apartment was hectic. Usually Romelle was there, but she was already working. Coran though, was the life of the party.

"Ave maria, Gratia plena ,Maria Gratia plena~" he sang loudly from his room. He was singing opera, his specialty, and Lance couldn't lie. The man had talent.

Coran would be Allura's special guest for the party. Every invitee could have one, but Lance had decided against it. He had too many friends for that, and didn't want anyone to feel left out.

"Princess?" Coran called, his lingering nickname for Allura that had stuck since she was a teen. " Which tie should I wear? "

Lance had barely made it into the apartment when he saw Allura going into Coran's room. Lance entered.

"Hmm," Allura said, watching Coran go between about fifty ties all in different hues of orange. " I'm not good at this... " She chuckled nervously. She turned to see Lance.

"Ah, Lonce! Maybe you can help Coran!" She grinned and patted Lance on the back. " I'll go get ready to do your makeup, tee hee. " She said a little too sweetly before dashing out of the room.

Lance glared at her back. Of course she threw this on him. He turned to Coran. "Why so many ties man?"

" Well, my boy. " Coran smiled at Lance. "My uncle would always say 'one man's trash is another man's treasure.' Free ties are everywhere, and in good condition too!"

Lance's face paled as realization dawned. "Coran...please don't tell me you got all these ties...from the trash..."

Coran laughed. "No no no. I'm not that low. These came from recycling agencies. People give away good clothes all the time for no reason. And they're free!" He picked up a bright neon tie. " Now, how's this? "


It took Lance a whole half hour to go through every tie with Coran, finally settling on a mustache patterned one. It complimented his wacky orange and yellow ombre tuxedo well, and looked nice. If you thought Willy Wonka's fashion was nice. As Coran slicked his mustache, Lance wondered where Coran even shopped for these kind of things.

Finally, Allura was ready to do Lance's makeup. She spent an hour doing it, but in the end, well, let's just say even Lance was stunned.

"God, Lura, you should do my makeup every shoot. No wonder you make every fashion magazine cover out there.." Lance said as he admired his face.

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