21. fitting room

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"I wonder what Lura is gonna wear." Lance said to Keith as they walked through the large fashion department. Lance was definitely living his best life, nearly ascending in this place. Tiered chandeliers and endless designers, mirrors that showed off his gorgeous face...

"Probably a dress." Keith shrugged. He was more uptight, his hands stuck deep in his hoodie, and his head down. He looked so droopy and uncomfortable.

" No shit sherlock. " Lance laughed. "Whats got you in a mood?"

Keith glared at him. "I was up all night editing your shoot. I'm exhausted."

Lance dramatically placed a hand over his heart. "Don't come for me mullet. You're the one that insisted we go shopping today."

Keith ran a hand through his hair. "Yeah, I know. I just want to have enough time. I'm a tough shopper."

" Dude we have like weeks. "

"You underestimate my stubborness." Keith mumbled.

"I'm no genius, but I'm pretty sure that's not a word." Lance chuckled.

" Ok, but did I ask? " Keith glowered. Lance couldn't help but laugh at that.

"Well my bad Mr. Depresso Espresso, you want some coffee or something? I'm not trying to drag you around like this." Lance offered.

Keith shrugged. "Yeah, that sounds good."

The two started heading out of the clothing section but Lance stopped dead in his tracks as he took in his reflection in a nearby mirror.

"I am so pretty." Lance grinned, taking in his slim form in the black romper. Keith rolled his eyes.

Damn straight you are

"Why are you so self centered?" Keith asked, leaving.

Lance skipped up next to him. "Fine line between self centered and confidence."

"What's that?" Keith asked sullenly. Lance shook his head in distaste.

Tons of people surrounded them as they crossed the large mall. The food court was on the other side of the mall, so the boys took a trip down the escalator before passing through the lower level of the building. Teen girls with bags from Victoria's Secret and JC Penny flocked the walkways. Young couples and friend groups bustled by with H&M bags and Starbucks cups. Keith found himself sliding up next to Lance the entire walk, but Lance was in his element.

"Oh my god, we have to go there. I've been looking for a new watch foreverrrr."

"Look at those boots, they'd look so good on me I bet."

" Ugh, imagine having money. "

Keith frowned at literally everything Lance pointed out and jabbered about.

"I just want some coffee." He sulked.

Finally, they reached Starbucks. Keith nearly forgot to actually ask for his order because he was so used to Romelle knowing his usual. He waited impatiently for his drink as he watched Lance saunter to the other side of the café.

By the time Keith's piping hot black coffee was in his hands, Lance already had two girls pinned to his arms. Curvy brunettes with too much lip gloss on. They flaunted and twisted their hair. Lance was practically glowing. Keith couldn't blame them, Lance was gorgeous.

Not that he would ever say that.

Lance spotted Keith frowning at him from the entrance of the café and quickly grabbed the girls' numbers.

Hot Mess ~Klance Modeling AuWhere stories live. Discover now