Chapter 3: I'll Be Fated

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There are two things sure in life that Lisa has always known to be true and to follow to a T like her life depends on it; one, don't trust a guy that's as tall and as awkward as an ogre (if it stomps like a giant, you know?) and two, don't try to ignore the incessant pull you feel for a devilishly attractive girl that's as good as you are at the stuff you love, because you will fail.

Her dad always called it fate; the universes inherent ability to know what the hell is going to happen with your life and how the fact that everything you do is predestined and planned out and all that shit. Lisa's been surrounded by the notion of fate since she was a little girl. It's so important in the Manoban household that her father named his crew Fati Manus, which is straight-up Latin for 'Fate's Hand'. You really can't get more blunt than that.

In a run around way, Marco Manoban wanted everyone to know just how much he thought that he and his crew were the bringers of destiny and that anyone who stood against them or raced against them was sure to get what life had planned out for them. In most cases that was to lose, but for those rare few, it was to join an elite crew that would set them up for life and always have their back. And that was how Lisa's life became so much more than simple and predictable.

In Lisa's life, there is no predictable.

So yeah, besides being one of the heirs to such an ominous birthright, Lisa also had a few things she had to know and remember. The first was general knowledge, the second was much harder to grasp.

As it is, the second one has yet to happen to Lisa, mostly because there aren't many girls out there that can do the same things she can and still be interesting, and it's a certifiable fact that those who are similar to her always turn out to be one hundred percent straight. Regardless, it's an important thing to remember both for Lisa's heart and her sanity, just in case it ever does happen.

Things may seem like they'll be avoidable, but in the end you'll just fall that much harder. Better to just give in and get it over with. If it wasn't supposed to happen, it probably wouldn't right?

Fate and all.

The first 'rule' Lisa figured out the truth to the instant she met Chanyeol Park. And it wasn't entirely because he held the likeliness of a giant. More or less it was his awkward bumbling that gave Lisa the straight up creeps. Normally, evoking the hair on your arms to rise is typically not a good first impression.

Also, word to the wise, don't interrupt someone when they're stretched under a freaking car.

Lisa's halfway under the chassis of Hunter's Mustang, twisting her wrench and making kicking moves with her legs. Normally she'd be dancing, but when you're under a vehicle that easily weights two-tons, it's best not to make any sudden movements.

She's jamming away to the music that plays through the right headphone of her iPod when she hears a masculine voice, that's somewhere between pubescent teenager and guy pushing thirty, ring out through her shop.

"Uh, is this where I drop off the keys?"

It's not that the voice startles her (okay it does a little.) But it mostly severely pisses her off because who the hell is in her shop this damn early in the morning beside herself. It's seven a.m. for fuck's sake.

Lisa finishes tightening the lug before she wheels herself out from under the car and her eyes fall to a towering figure in the corner of the shop. If she thought she was any closer to figuring out how old this man child is she might take a gander at that, but she just doesn't have a clue.

That's not the point anyway.

"Who the hell are you and why are you in my shop?" Lisa asks as she stands from her creeper and reaches out to grab a rag to wipe her hands off on. She kicks the creeper away from the car so she doesn't run the risk of stepping on it, or worse, someone else stepping on it and then she becoming liable for their idiocracy.

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