Chapter 19: Two Hands on the Handlebars

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"Get the fuck out of Dodge, Koo, before I kick you the hell out. And my way ain't as pretty as I am." Lisa's tone is anything but cordial or welcoming when she glares at the floppy blonde haired, brown-eyed slim surfer looking guy that walks towards her and Jennie's current position.

A shit-eating grin, like he owns the fucking world, is still spread across the guy's face. Lisa watches with clenched teeth as the his eyes momentarily divert to Jennie and linger quite a bit longer than Lisa cares to even think about even being slightly okay with. She takes a step in front of the shorter girl, her muscles still tense and ready for any kind of fight she's hoping might go down.

Anything to wipe that smug ass smirk off her rival's fish lipped face.

"Pleasure to see you as well, Manoban." The guy greets with an incline of his head as he comes within a few feet of Lisa and Jennie.

"That's far enough, Jun-hoe, now tell me what the hell you're doing on my turf."

"It's Paul actually," the guy speaks up, his eyes flicker over Lisa's shoulder to Jennie once again, as his arms fold across his chest.

Lisa's lip turns up in confusion, "What the fuck?"

"I go by Paul now. Jun-hoe just doesn't sound like very much of a tough name."

At this announcement, that the pain in her ass known to the world as Jun-hoe Paul Koo III, is suddenly trying to be 'more tough', Lisa rolls her eyes, "Yeah I think you're gonna need more than a name change to fix that."

Hearing Jennie snicker quietly behind her gives Lisa more satisfaction than she ever thought possible.

Feeling her push up against Lisa's back, well that's a whole other set of reactions that make Lisa incapable of properly thinking. In the very best of ways.

"I didn't come here to make small talk with you about my name," Jun, or Paul rather, starts to say but Lisa is quick to interrupt.

"Then why the hell are you still talking about it? I've been asking you for ten minutes about what exactly the fuck you're doing here, so spit it out already."

Lisa feels the palm of Jennie's hand glide across the small of her back until it rests inconspicuously on the curve of her hip. The touch sends a blaze through Lisa's body, and she has to take a momentary breather before she can properly function again.

"I'm here about the rumored job that's circulating around Vegas, and if you don't know what I'm talking about, well you ain't as smart as you claim to be."

Before Lisa can formulate a reply, it's Jennie that is speaking up over her shoulder in bolstered defense, "I'd watch what comes out of those ridiculously disproportioned lips, especially when it pertains to your erroneous judgment of Lisa's intellect. She's one of the most brilliant people I've ever met, and I don't even know you but I can tell she's got extensive amounts of genius over your pea sized side show brainpower."

Lisa's surprised her jaw doesn't drop at Jennie's words. Paul on the other hand, simply continues to smirk through the entire ordeal.

"Well I'll be damned Manoban, you got yourself quite the little spitfire of an addition to your crew. She's very easy on the eyes I must say."

"You keep your damn eyes off of Jennie, so she's not tainted by your look Koo. And while you're at it, get the hell off my concrete and out of my sight."

Paul Koo merely flashes his impish smirk, "Last time I checked, it was a free country and admiring pretty little things never hurt anyone." He says, his eyes lingering towards Jennie again, who Lisa moves to shield ever more so before Paul continues, "And now that I think about it, isn't this you and your brother Hunter's 'turf' over here? If I've got business around here, I'm going to get the full scale. You can't expect to just send me off without giving me the chance to speak to the Manoban crew as a whole."

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