Chapter 9: Set High Beams to Low

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Everyone's gathered around the conference table, watching Lisa and preparing to listen to her every word with immense concentration. Doe eyes flicker to Jennie and there's a moment where everything slows down and all Lisa can see is the picture of beauty right in front of her. Even as she starts talking, her eyes don't stray much further from Jennie then the woman's pretty face.

"There's a tradition in Vegas between the elite street crews. Every year, one racer from each major crew gathers to show their skills and best the other racers in return for, essentially, bragging rights and the overall claim to the pot o'gold."

Jennie's eyebrow quirks at Lisa's sentence, she's not completely following what the other woman is saying.

"Pot o'gold?"

Lisa nods in Jennie's direction, having every intention of responding to her when Hunter cuts into her attempted reply.

"Every crew puts in five hundred large, so if there's five or six crews racing that's easily anywhere around-"

"Three million dollars." Jennie cuts Hunter off this time, noticing a satisfied smirk stretch across Lisa's lips when she does.

"Right," Lisa continues the conversation, "Split between a crew of twelve or so equals about two hundred fifty large a piece. That might not sound like a lot, but you can buy a lot of things with that kind of money and turn it into much more in the street racing world."

Judging by the nods that Lisa's crew provides in response to her words, Jennie would guess they've experienced that first hand. She glances towards Kai who is nodding his head in her direction; she glances towards Jungkook and Chanyeol who are both too awestruck by the prospect of big money that they stare blankly at the far wall. Well, it looks like her crews decided on the whole thing, but Jennie remains skeptical about a few things.

"Okay, while that sounds great and all would someone care to explain how GD's crew has to do with it and also, how the hell do you guys front five hundred thousand dollars? I know your operation is solid, but the only way I can see you doing it is by selling some of your possessions and wouldn't that just defeat the purpose?" She questions, her brow furrowing in confusion as she continues to contemplate the entire outlook of things. Lisa chuckles softly from her stance a few feet away and casually leans back against the conference table while flashing Jennie a coy smirk.

"Well yeah dumpling, but the cars we sell for the whole shebang aren't always ours."

Her words elicit a chuckle from the rest of Lisa's crew and Jennie's face flushes a little under the situation. Is Lisa subtly, though intentionally, mocking her or does she not even realize what she's doing? When Jennie glances back at Lisa the woman gives her a sultry wink that confirms it all for her and Jennie narrows her eyes in Lisa's direction, she's becoming quite familiar with the woman's games.

"Whatever you say Barbie, that still doesn't explain why GD's crew is going to be a part of it. We hail from the same area, and I've never heard of this race you're talking about all the way back in South Korea." Jennie fires back, getting a moment of satisfaction at seeing Lisa's eyebrows rise at her choice of name calling-it's not exactly original but Jennie knows that it'll keep Lisa guessing as to why precisely she chose it, and if the way Lisa is now staring at her in wonder is any indication than her plan is working rather well.

Before anyone, namely Lisa, can reply to Jennie's question, or provide her own manner of cleverly prepared retort, Hunter speaks up again.

"The how they found out isn't really the most important matter at the moment," The way he says it so cut and dry has Jennie's skeptical senses tingling. It's quite strange to her that Hunter would want to disregard something like that, but before she has a moment to question it, Lisa is speaking up.

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