Chapter 23: Life In the Dangerous Lane

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The first thing Jennie becomes aware of when she wakes up in the morning, are residual tingles all over her body. Almost as if someone took a little ray gun and zapped different parts of her body on the lowest setting. Not enough to be painful but enough to make her really feel. The second thing she notices is that she's incredibly warm. Not overheated warm, but gooey fluttering heart warm, and also, that she's lying on her stomach.

There's a soft presence that's dancing across her lower back. Dipping in the contour and running from one dimple to the other, shooting even more tingles up Jennie's spine.

When she finally blinks her eyes open, she's met with bright warm chocolate eyes, blonde hair, and the most breathtaking smile she's ever witnessed in her life in the form of Lisa leaning propped up in the bed next to her. Her fingers dance up and brush softly across Jennie's shoulder before reaching out to brush the long dark locks of hair that have fallen to shroud her face, away from those beautiful brown eyes.

"Morning." Lisa croaks, wincing at the way her voice comes out sounding like a strangled frog, "Shit..." She curses, eyes widening as the foul word comes out sounding even more ridiculous. Jennie's soft giggles gather Lisa's attention and doe eyes glance up to see the other woman she's sharing a bed with smile so wide.

"Don't you just sound like a sexy Casanova in the morning."

Lisa frowns both at Jennie's words and her ability to sound perfectly sexy this soon after waking up. In fact, Lisa's fairly certain that Jennie sounds like she could break out into song at any damn minute and bring the fucking house down as she did. Lisa sighs, she supposes it's at least something she can look forward to in the mornings.

Jennie sounding all sexy...wait, what the hell? Did Lisa just make the presumption that she and Jennie would be waking up a lot together in the morning? As like an on going, predetermined thing?

"Hey, did I lose you to a fantasy? I'm still here naked in your bed, you can discuss those out loud if you want." Jennie suddenly interrupts Lisa's relationshhh...her realationshhh...dammit, she can't even think the word right now. Is it because she's scared that Jennie's scared that maybe she's having second thoughts about having second thoughts?

Wait, what the fuck? Lisa just confused herself even more.

"So what you're saying is you don't want me naked in your bed right now?"

Who's not going to be naked? Oh fuck, Lisa's eyes snap back to Jennie, who has her eyebrows arched in concerned wonder.

"No! You can stay naked, please stay naked with me." Lisa mumbles, shuffling closer to the other woman who giggles again, and Lisa swears she hears angels singing in the background (cheesy, so sue her). A warm body slides into her own, and Lisa groans as Jennie's full, soft breasts push into hers and a milky thigh slips through her legs.

"Okay, but you've gotta come back to me." Jennie murmurs in Lisa's ear, her breath hot against the shell, before her palm brushes across her heated cheek and full lips tickle pink ones. Lisa nods, sighing and trying to relax herself before she leans into Jennie's mouth and kisses her heatedly.

She has to get these irrational fears out of her mind. She's the one who asked Jennie to be her girlfriend (which Jennie said yes to) and she's the one who said 'I love you' first. Doe eyes widen again as Lisa remembers that momentary slip of character, she was so caught up in the moment she couldn't hold her walls up any longer.

She doesn't regret it, and she certainly meant it, but she's hoping that when Jennie said them she really felt the same too. Lisa hopes Jennie does feel the same.

Her nose nuzzles against Jennie's cheek, "Hey, so about last night." She starts and Jennie lets out a content hum, snuggling impossibly closer to Lisa.

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