Chapter 25: Matching Up the Parts [M]

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Lisa is pissed.

In fact, she's so pissed that if you were to place a piece of sheetrock right in front of her, she'd likely punch a hole right through it before proceeding to punch you in the face.

Typically, she's a pretty rational individual in most situations. Sure she's got a short fuse every now and then and sometimes hits first and asks questions later but she usually tends to give people the benefit of the doubt and often waits until it's absolutely necessary for her to go off the handle. So yes, Lisa will be the first to admit that she's usually got some kind of anger management issue brewing under the surface, which occasionally makes an appearance, but it's almost always justified.

For example, with Hunter, she'd put up with his shit for years. She tried to be the big sister that looked out for her little brother, even if said little (half) brother was a complete thorn in her side and made it his mission to do everything under the sun to piss her off. So in the end, he fucked up one too many times, and thus Lisa wasn't too worried about the asshole. Especially since he'd put the crew in danger more than once, especially since he put Jennie in danger more than once.

Then, it came to people like Jun-hoe Koo. That guy had been a major prick since the day his family announced their entrance into town by driving a set of boosted Civics (like that's hard or even mildly impressive?) past the Manoban crew residence yelling unnecessary obscenities. Koo and his crew were little blips on the radar of real boosting and even less of importance when if came to the racing world. So Lisa could care less.

Even particular brands of jerks like Jiyong Kwon and his enormously ego-driven crew were easy to handle. Play by his rules until you can flip them on and use them against him, and stay off of his shit list. It's not too hard when Lisa has no rhyme or reason to have anything to do with Jiyong beyond what's absolutely necessary. And it's only Jennie's presence and involvement with the GD Kwon' crew that keeps Lisa from going ape shit on all of them.

Everything was justified and reasonable in Lisa's world. Anger was a given, but she could learn to let go and get over stuff or wait until the opportune moment to strike back.

And as soon as the time is right, she will, but for now, the protection of Jennie is her biggest point of concern. That and keeping her crew out of trouble and off the radar as much as possible, she's doing what she can to make sure they don't get themselves killed.

But this time, it's different, because Lisa doesn't think she's ever been quite this pissed off before.

Which brings Lisa back to square one, because she's been angry with her crew before, and she's been disappointed, but she has never been red eyed furious and ready to kill a bitch with them like she is right this minute.

It's been three days since Sunmi and Chaeyoung have been gone from the Manoban base without any sort of contact from them, well at least as far as Lisa knows. Apparently there's a whole different story and situation she didn't know about, one that she's still not getting the rundown from Sunmi right this instance.

Thus the main reason for the previous severely pissed off Lisa.

"Sunmi, look I don't care that you're older than me, I don't care that you're practically my aunt, and it doesn't really matter to me that at times you came into my life and kind of helped raise me. This is my fucking crew and you are pissing me off to the max with this shit. So tell me, where the hell are you?" Lisa hisses through the phone, standing stark straight in the center of her garage waiting for the rest of her crew, and her lovely girlfriend, to wake up and make an appearance.

"Goldilocks candy bear," Sunmi begins to say.

"Cut the shit Sunmi, I'm not a naïve little girl anymore. Just tell me what's going on and when you, and Chaeyoung, are coming back."

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