Chapter 12: Stilettos and Broken Bottles in My Rearview Mirror

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In order to preserve their anonymity in terms of GD knowing who they are, Lisa and Jennie decide to take separate cars to the designated race area just outside of old Vegas city limits, ironically only a few miles from the Manoban operation. Also, for obvious reason, they'll need their own cars if they hope to separately enter that race and respectively win. It'll be the first time Lisa will be trying out her GT, but she trusts the process that she and Jennie have gone through with it, and she knows their modifications will run smoothly and execute perfectly. They do appear to be, after all, a well oiled machine when running together.

In order to keep both parties in the loop about all things that are going on, Jake, the muscle of Jennie's crew, is riding with Lisa and Jisoo is riding with Jennie. And to top it all off, each nonracer is equipped with a handy dandy little walkie talkie, which despite Lisa's pleading, Jake has not let her touch.

"I just want to use it once. Just once." Lisa says from the driver's seat. She's the lead car guiding the rest of the combined crew to their intended destination. For this particul ar part of the plan, it's only beneficial to have Lisa and Jennie (and their respective passengers), Kai, Jackson, Jungkook and Bam along for the ride. Four cars, four racers and better odds. Not that Lisa's worried about her odds; it's just nice to have that security.

"I'm sorry Ms. Manoban but there were strict orders from my boss saying that only the passengers would get the walkies. Wouldn't want to distract you from driving." Jake supplies in response to Lisa's plead. She frowns in return.

"You do realize that I'm the leader of the other half of the crew right?"

"Yes, Ms. Manoban but Ms. Kim is my boss."

"What's with the Ms. shit? Were you in the military?" Lisa questions the guy, finding it very strange to be addressed so formally, especially by someone practically the same age as her.

"It's just proper form ma'am." Jake replies and Lisa quirks an eyebrow.

"You know what else is proper form? Letting a girl talk on a walkie. So, whatda you say? Hook a sister up?" Lisa tries to persuade Jake even more, but still it appears he won't budge as he gives her a short shake of his head.

"Sorry ma'am, I don't disobey orders."

"While loyal, your form sucks sir. Sorry to say." She grumbles just under her breath.

"Lil' Kai, how's the situation going?" Jennie's voice suddenly comes over the walkie in Jake's hand. Lisa gasps as if completely scandalized. She can't believe that Jisoo gave up her walkie so easy; she can't believe that she's flipping her shit over something like a walkie-talkie. Jake sends a guilty look towards Lisa before bringing the device to his mouth.

"Situation's good boss. Umm Ms. Manoban has requested to talk on the walkie." He mumbles, the last part a little quieter than the rest but Lisa still catches it. She scoffs.

"You're supposed to say 'over' when you're done talking!"

"If she wants to use the walkie Jake let her. But if she crashes, that's totally on her." Jennie's voice then comes over the wavelengths and Jake nods, despite knowing his boss cannot see him. He hesitantly hands the device over to Lisa who smirks triumphantly and does an internal happy dance. Some things just really mean a lot in certain situations. She raises the electronic gadget to her mouth and presses the talk button, a coy smile tugging at her lips.

"Thanks angel face," Lisa addresses Jennie and she can just barely hear the scoff the other woman lets out, "And just an FYI, Jisoo you are so on mop duty when we get back. Over."


As it turns out, the designated race area is just a simple abandoned warehouse parking lot that stretches a good half a mile on clean asphalt. When the Manoban and Kim crews pull into the pit area, they are a little surprised to see more than a few cars and people there already, most of whom Lisa does not recognize. There seem to be a lot of out of town crews running this game tonight; word must have gotten out about the money pot. Lots of stuff at stake now, and she'd wager there could be a potential twenty mill in the metaphorical bag as of now. She lets out a low whistle at that thought, parking her GT in a vacant spot and watching as Jennie's Nissan, Kai's Bugatti Veyron, and Jackson's Lamborghini Gallardo (he likes them Lambo doors) pull up in the spots next to her.

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