Chapter 8: Touch Touch Touch

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"That was for being you, Manoban." The furious brown-eyed woman seethes through her teeth in an abrupt but extremely feminine voice before turning and strutting back towards the open door of her garage. Lisa can't say that she's stunned, but she also can't say she was exactly expecting such a slap.

"Well, that was quite the welcome." Jennie's voice carries a cold edge to it. There's something about it that makes Lisa flinch because now she's kind of second guessing her brilliant decision to bring Jennie along for this charade. Granted, it's probably best to get things out in the open, considering they were a breath away from kissing only a moment ago, but that doesn't make the prospect any easier to look forward to.

Lisa doesn't answer Jennie for a second, instead favoring to rub the sting of the slap out of her cheek. When she does speak it's with a shrug and carefulness to her tone.

"Yeah, Irene's always had a bit of a sassy streak."

"Your girlfriend might just be certifiably crazy."

Lisa's head whips around to witness the look on Jennie's face that goes with those less than kindly given words. Sure enough, Jennie's features are unreadable and void of any emotion, similar to how Lisa's heart feels like at the time being. Something inside of Lisa moves her to correct the wrongness of Jennie's previous statement, if only to clear the air.

"Ex-girlfriend actually-"

"And it seems like she's got a little bit of that blood thirsty come at you thing going on. Bang up job picking that one." Jennie interrupts before Lisa even has the chance to finish her statement. The woman seems like she's on a rampage to point out the fact that Irene being anything to Lisa bothers her. She's obviously refusing to hear that Lisa is decidedly not dating the curly haired woman responsible for the red mark etched into her cheek.

"Did I mention she's my ex-girlfriend? As in that's come and gone. And she's not that bad, she's just a little...edgy sometimes. Besides, I'd be careful what you say, she has a gun and she's not afraid to use it. I've been threatened enough with it to know that."

Jennie looks like she's going to retort, but instead she changes her mind and goes with something else,

"Well then maybe you deserved the slap." She says as she folds her arms across her chest.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean? Whoever deserves to get slapped?" Lisa defends herself incredulously her hands flailing about a little before they fall limply at her sides and she sighs in defeat, "Maybe I did. But I don't deserve this. Can we just go in and get the stuff and get back to the shop?"

Jennie shrugs her shoulders, intent on acting totally and completely unfazed by the whole situation. "I just came along for the ride remember? I swear though, if she tries to hit me I'll punch the bitch."

"Fair enough, though you should know she's got a mean right hook."

Jennie waits, anything but the picture of patience as she taps her foot against the broken asphalt she stands on and her arms remain firmly crossed over her chest. Lisa swings her leg over and off the bike to safely dismount it before running her fingers through her hair and pulling it up in a high ponytail. When she's done she glances over her shoulder and inclines her head for Jennie to follow her. The woman does, but she makes sure to let out an exasperated huff before doing so.

Lisa walks through the shop door first, and the instant Jennie walks through she hears that same abrupt voice from earlier ring out through the shop in a not so hospitable tone.

"Skank can stay at the door B."

Jennie blanches. How dare this clearly screwy curly haired woman say such a thing to her.

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