Chapter 18: Fixing a Flat tire

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"What the hell is she doing here?"

Jennie's posture stiffens as she slowly turns around to find Lisa has joined her and the individual currently occupying her front door. Doe eyes blaze with a certain fierce protectiveness that Jennie's been privy to before. Her eyes widen because she thinks she knows what's going to happen next.

"Lisa, I swear I can explain this." Jennie begins to say as Lisa storms towards the door and the believed 'intruder' she thinks is currently invading her time with a certain Cat. Jennie tries to calm Lisa before it's too late but she's not quick enough to react before the taller woman is sneering at the intruder and throwing out a flurry of words.

"Chahee was it? Are you going to answer me or am I going to have to punch the answer out of you. I'm not afraid to hit a girl every now and then, especially if their plans are to hurt Jennie or myself." Lisa says, eyeing the other brunette in the doorway that now stands far too close to Jennie for her liking. Lisa takes a step to Jennie and without even looking for her hand, reaches out and brushes her fingers against a small palm. Almost automatically, Jennie's hand twists around and slips into Lisa's.

Chahee eyes the clasped hands for a second before questioningly turning her eyes to Jennie who merely blinks her eyes in a silent response to Chahee as well as towards the entire situation. Chahee chuckles and turns her focus back to Lisa.

"Easy Tiger, I swear I come in peace and if you drop your weapons and let me in, I'd be happy to explain to you just why that is. Oh and I'm not here for your girl," She starts to say, her voice a raspy husk. Lisa's eyes narrow at the statement, and seeming ambiguity of it. To her right, Jennie squeezes her hand in a sort of calming method.

"It's okay Lisa, she's not here for you either," Jennie informs the taller woman whose blue eyes snap to her as an almost automatic reflex. Her brow furrows and her lips pull into a minor frown of uncertainty.

She has no idea what's going on.

Jennie turns back to Chahee, looking over and past her shoulder for a second before refocusing her attention on the woman, "How about you do come in. It'll be safer, and far easier to explain everything."

Chahee simply nods, but waits until Lisa finally moves to the side before crossing the threshold into Jennie's house.


"So, you're telling me that you, all five foot two of you, pretty little girl next door is an undercover agent for the fucking Drug Enforcement Administration? What the hell is going on?"

To say that Lisa is currently irate would be a serious understatement.

"I'm five foot four, thank you very much. And yes, that's precisely what I'm telling you. I normally work out of the Los Angeles office, but when some colleagues of mine from out in South Korea heard Jiyong Kwon was heading towards Vegas, my team was put on assignment to bring him down."

Lisa's still a little jaw dropped, as in 'What the actual fuck is going on' jaw dropped.

"So, again I'm just trying to get things straight. You're after Jiyong GD Kwon, who you're claiming is a drug lord, not Jiyong GD Kwon the car thief/extortionist?"

Chahee nods her head, her eyes flicking over to Jennie for a moment, "That's right. We have no interest in taking G-Dragon down for Grand Theft Auto, which is why I've enlisted Jennie's help in the matter. We have no intention of touching anything that you or your crews are involved in, unless it pertains to drugs."

Lisa's eyes glance over to Jennie, "How long has she enlisted your help?"

"She only came to me the last time I was at GD's. We've been trying to get together to discuss things further without GD and his crew breathing down our necks but there hasn't been much opportunity for that."

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