Chapter 13: Burning Rubber in the Moonlight

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Lisa's only walked maybe a half a mile when Hunter's Maserati pulls up next to her. She probably shouldn't be surprised, as Jackson undoubtedly called Hunter the second he had the chance to and informed him of Lisa's banishment from GD's sight just previous moments ago. Lisa grits her teeth, she doesn't want to deal with this.

The window on the passenger side of the Maserati rolls down, and Lisa doesn't even have to look at the car to know that Hunter is looking at her with discontent and shame. Fuck him, he doesn't know anything about the situation and she doesn't really give a shit what he might think regardless. If he had a problem with it, he shouldn't have been such a douche and should have gone to the party and race himself.

"Lisa," Hunter's voice is stern and stoic. She tenses under the tone, more than ever eager to just run away. She doesn't want to deal with Hunter and his 'dissatisfied' attitude. She ignores him, but the car continues to creep along next to her.

"Get in the car Lisa." Hunter's next phrase is not a question, and there's no room for discussion or argument, but Lisa's going to do it anyway.

"I need the exercise." She tosses back, arms folding over her chest wishing she had had the foresight to wear something warmer, and a little more practical (but she's not complaining, she doesn't complain). Besides, racing in heels always makes her feel sexy. It's got a feminine vibe and it just reminds Lisa how fortunate she is to be a girl, being a racing badass in a 'man's world'.

"Lisa, you can run your five miles tomorrow when you're cleaned up and sober. Now get in the damn car."

Despite the fact that the proposition of walking the next six miles in heels doesn't sound to terribly inviting, Lisa would much rather do that than get in the car with her punk ass little brother. Unfortunately, he has other plans because a second after he speaks, he is pulling the Maserati into her walking path and stepping from the vehicle, Dong stepping out from the backseat after him, giving Lisa an intimidating glare.

"Seriously Hunter, you brought Dong along to coral me back?" Lisa asks incredulous. Hunter merely shrugs.

"I knew you'd have no other choice but to get in the car if I did."

Right now would really be a good time for Lisa to have the ability to shoot laser beams out of her eyes, or you know, have heat ray vision. She waits until the second that Dong takes a menacing step forward before she throws her hands up in surrender and slowly walks over to the car.

"Fine, but don't expect me to fucking thank you for this."


It's been twenty minutes, and even though Jennie has a really high suspicion that Lisa's not going to come bursting back through those warehouse doors, guns blazing, anytime soon she's still holding out hope that something will happen. There's got to be anything besides what she just witnessed, Lisa getting sucker punched and thrown out of the party. Jennie would really like to find Jiyong Kwon and give him a punch or two in his smirking little face.

She'd sure as hell like to punch someone, but first and foremost, she needs to know that Lisa's okay.

"Kai," Jennie calls her friend over. He turns around from his spot leaned against the bar a few feet away and walks over to her.

"Call David, have him drive over this way and be on the look out for Lisa. Make sure she's okay." Jennie tells Kai directly, and watches as he simply gives her a confused look but otherwise makes not motion to do anything she's asked. She raises her eyebrow at him.

"Did you not hear me?" She asks giving him the benefit of the doubt considering the crappy sound quality the warehouse they're surrounded by is affording them. Kai shakes his head.

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