Chapter 20: Oh

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"Can somebody please explain to me what the fuck just happened?"

Lisa's voice carries across the expanse of concrete just outside the Manoban shop. She's carrying Jennie in her arms, bridal style, holding her close and being very careful not to jostle her or any unseen injuries she may have.

The rest of the crew filters in around Lisa. Jackson and David drove the bikes back to the shop after trying to supply Lisa with a car to transport Jennie back with. When she flat out refused to actually let go of the smaller woman and drive a car, Bambam had to help her in the back of his pick up truck before he drove back.

"Koo and his crew got out of there pretty quickly," Jackson begins to speak up as he comes in to Lisa's left, "Once we saw Jennie go down, and you rushed to her side, we took our eyes off of him and when things calmed down and we went to find him, he, his bike, and his crew were long gone."

"And did you send anyone after him in the direction that we suspect he would have gone?"

Lisa is perceptive enough to catch the brief glance that Jackson and Bambam share between each other. Her eyes narrow and her brow creases, "Jackson? Want to tell me what your little look means?" She tries to speak as calmly as possible, but if someone doesn't start saying something soon she's going to freak the fuck out on everyone.

Jackson noticeably swallows a lump in his throat, "We uh...we were sending Kai and Dong after them. They...they haven't come back yet, and apparently Chanyeol Park is gone too." He speaks quietly, as if any raise of octave in his voice will provoke even more hostility from his boss.

Truthfully, it probably would.

As Lisa is about to reply to Jackson, the sound of a Toyota Supra engine and the hum of Kai's Bugatti Veyron can be heard approaching the shop. Every single person standing around, including Lisa, turns their attention towards the approaching vehicles. Kai is first to step out of his car and run a hand through his messy brown mop hair. Dong steps from his own vehicle, not looking any more put together or pleased.

Jennie shifts slightly in Lisa's arms, dozing in and out of consciousness, mostly due to utter exhaustion, Lisa assumes, but she also knows Jennie is probably more injured or hurt than she's letting on. Which means she needs to get her lying down and examined as soon as possible.

"Kai, Dong," She addresses the approaching crewmembers, "Follow me to my condo. I want Jennie to be comfortable, but I want a full report on what the hell is going on. Jackson, Chaeyoung I'll need your eyes, ears, and words as well."

Everyone addressed nods their consent and silently follow Lisa towards her condo. Lisa pauses before she gets too far away from the rest of her crew and glances over her shoulder.

"David, Bambam, and Jungkook," She calls aloud, all three men turning to hear what the tall, commanding woman has to say, "Keep an eye on things and get everything put away. Once this is all figured out I'll be calling a meeting to discuss what's going on, in the mean time just hold the fort down until we get back."

Nods of understanding are sent her way and Lisa turns to continue on towards her condo.

Once inside, Lisa takes the few steps over towards her bed and gently lies Jennie down on top of it after removing the armor jacket wrapped around her tiny body. Jennie hardly moves and makes no attempt to open her eyes as Lisa runs her fingers softly over her cheek and through her hair, leaning in to press a tender kiss to her temple.

"I'll be right back Jennie." She whispers before she drapes a spare blanket over the woman and turns back to the four people waiting for her. Lisa inclines her head towards the kitchen, which will allow them the opportunity to speak with a little less apprehension or fear of waking or upsetting Jennie.

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