Chapter 10: Two Wheels are Better than Four

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It's late, or early depending on how you look at it. Either way it's about four in the morning and Lisa's about done with the night. She's boosted six cars in the last five hours and she's feeling the night's end coming to a close.

But the really good news about the evening comes down to one thing; Lisa's totally got this in the bag. No, literally, she's got a bag and in it is the very last remodifier chip she'll need to boost the last car on the list.

The only issue is that the last car on the list also happens to be the most notoriously difficult car to boost.

A Porsche Cayman S Coupe.

In truth, Porsche's are a dime a dozen when it comes to finding one, especially in the glitter and glam world of Las Vegas. But, for Lisa, this particular model of car holds a special place in her boosting world, for more than one reason, but mostly because it's the one car that has always given her family grief. It's the one car that's always gotten away.

There's something about it that just eludes the Manoban talent and always manages to slip through their fingers.

But not tonight because tonight, Lisa is boosting a Porsche and winning the little bet she made with Jennie. She can't say she's not just a little excited about that. (She's really fucking ecstatic about that.)

"Alright, there it is Manoban, the Cayman. You got this boss." Jackson attempts to encourage Lisa as he brings the aide car to a stop on the corner of the street where the shiny spotless straight off the lot candy apple red Porsche sits parked nicely just inside the gated driveway of the lavish Vegas house she plans on boosting it from. The owners, silly as they are, thought that a simple gate could prevent the theft of their precious car. Little do they know overcoming the gate just makes the boost that much more rewarding to Lisa.

She nods to Jackson before taking a deep breath and slipping silently from the car, she slinks over to the gate before catching the sound of Jackson driving off quietly into the night, rerouting his drive to meet up with Lisa back at the shop when her scratch is successful.

She takes a look around, thankful that this particular neighborhood doesn't rely too heavily on streetlights and community watchmen. Everyone here thinks they're too rich, too posh and thus exempt from any kind of crime. Sucks to be them. As for Lisa, well, it brings a smile to her face knowing she's going to be reaping the benefits of their carelessness. A few seconds of lock picking and wire splicing and Lisa's got the electronic gate springing to life and skating back into its little cubby, leaving the driveway wide open for her to just waltz on up.

Lisa's never really been a religious person. What with the Manoban motto relying more on destiny and fate (apparently not determined by any particular deity) as opposed to any supposed faith, she doesn't really have much want or requisite for praying but seeing as how right now is a do or die situation, and she's appealed to the notion of pleading before, she claps her hands together and tilts her head to the heavens.

"Dear merciful car god, if you're out there anywhere, I wholeheartedly beg you to hear my call. Please let this boost go smooth and get me home free in time to put a smile on Jennie's pretty little mouth."

She tries not to think about what else she might potentially be doing with Jennie when she wins this bet. Like bikini car washes and French maid outfits for Jennie when she's serving Lisa drinks poolside. That'll be the life.

Lisa's about two inches from the driver's side of the car when she suddenly spots a figure, dressed from head to toe in black, dropping down from the ledge that overhangs from the side of the Spanish architecture bungalow type house. The figure dashes to the passenger side and only when they remove their black facemask to reveal a smirking Jennie does Lisa quite loudly gasp her shock and surprise.

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