Chapter 6: Test Run

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Over the years, Lisa has discovered the strange phenomenon where most people who don't live in Las Vegas are always under the impression that the weather is forever a nice and sunny perfect temperature. They seem to forget the fact that it's technically a desert they are surrounded by. A desert.

It's funny to Lisa though, to watch the tourists practically melt on the strip when the sun reaches its peak in the middle of May and it's over ninety degrees out. It's funny because some people just really don't know how to handle the heat.

What's even funnier, however, is the person that's absolutely dying from heat at the moment is Jennie, as she walks alongside Lisa on their quest to find a very specific and special car to boost this bright and sunny afternoon. Normally, one would think that boosting in mid day in the center of the busiest part of the city is asking for it, but it's a fight night tonight so that means way more drunk people in way more areas. The cops are too focused on controlling all the activities leading up to the fight, and trying to prevent riots, that they're less likely to have a lot of force out there paying attention to who's driving what, or who's lurking where. And besides, Lisa's a professional and it's not like she hasn't done this before.

"God this heat is insane." Jennie speaks up, or rather whines, from Lisa's right side and she cocks her head in the woman's direction, thankful for the set of aviators that cover her eyes. She can't imagine how Jennie can be burning up in the outfit, or lack thereof, that she's currently sporting. Even Lisa's still curious if Jennie's actually wearing top. In fact, she's been wondering the same thing for about the last ten minutes: Is it a top or is it just a bikini that's made to look like a top, except without the, you know, material hanging down to cover up Jennie's midsection. Not that Lisa wants that to happen, because she could grill some serious shish kabobs on how hot the woman's abs are. Plus, the ridiculously short skirt Jennie has on really leaves nothing to the imagination there. It's a hopeless endeavor for Lisa to try to ignore it all. And she's definitely not passing up a chance to tease the girl relentlessly.

They're acquaintances now, and she has fun pushing Jennie's buttons, so why not?

"I thought you were from south korea?" Lisa calls over her shoulder and gives Jennie's body another slow up and down moment of admiration, immediately afterwards she takes a moment to glare at the guy that passes them and flashes his own look of admiration in Jennie's direction. He must see the thin line of Lisa's lips that suggest he'd better not mess with her, or Jennie, because he is quick to avert his eyes from Jennie's backside and scramble away drunkenly.

"Just because I grew up in South Korea does not mean I am inclined to handle this heat." Jennie retorts, taking a moment to fan herself and flick her head in such a manner that her hair flows in the dry air like it were part of a shampoo commercial and then falls perfectly over her shoulders. Lisa's surprised that Jennie hasn't caused a traffic jam yet, then again there was that one moment earlier where she heard squealing brakes and screeching tires when Jennie dropped her little clutch on the sidewalk and had to bend down to get it. Lisa's not going to lie, her jaw definitely almost dropped to the concrete when that happened (she's only human, okay?)

"But the summer in South Korea is freakishly hot." Lisa deadpans.

Jennie pauses in her stride and looks up directly into Lisa's eyes, or at least she would be looking directly in them if they weren't covered by really dark and tinted aviators, which thank god for that! After evaluating Lisa for a moment, and deciding that nothing's wrong with her (Lisa assumes), Jennie begins her strut down the sidewalk again, pausing only when she reaches Lisa's side.

"I grew up in air conditioned homes and cool air intake cars. I was rarely subjected to the heat. Besides that, we had a pool when I wanted to take a dip to cool off. So no, I'm not used to this heat yet, and you're just going to have to deal with it." Jennie says as she bops Lisa on the nose as she passes, giving a little added wink for good measure. There goes Lisa's jaw again.

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