Chapter 24: Broken Tables [M]

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Jennie wakes up in the morning to a feeling she's becoming quite accustomed to; Lisa pressed firmly into her back as her long slender arms wrap around Jennie's waist and hold her close.

The previous night had ended up going quite well once Jennie was in Lisa's arms, and Jiyong's unpredictable rage was no longer something she worried about. After she'd told Lisa his challenge, Lisa had called Jisoo in and told her to drive back to Jennie's house in Jennie's car until the morning, in case whoever was trailing Jennie got suspicious of anything.

While Jisoo did that, Lisa carried Jennie to her condo and allowed her to rest for a few hours until she gathered the Manoban and Kim crews together to go over the new situation for everything.

It was understood that Lisa would be the only one prepping for the poker challenge, but everyone else around the shop would still be expected to pull their own weight. Meaning, cars were still being boosted and turned around for a profit, but it was to be done discreetly, as Jacob and David had captured police radio chatter that the police were keeping an even closer eye on the Manoban crew's running's.

After the group had dispersed for the evening, Lisa had returned to her condo and Jennie, climbing into bed with the woman and pulling her close. It hadn't taken long for Jennie to wake up and push Lisa onto her back, intent on showing the taller woman just how grateful she was to have her.

They traded positions through much of the night, and only collapsed onto the bed, and into each other, after complete exhaustion took over and they were able to peacefully slip into a happy slumber.

Which brings Jennie back to right now, waking up in Lisa's arms in Lisa's bed in Lisa's house. The sweet smell of fresh breeze with undertones of motor oil and grease surrounding her senses as it wafts off of Lisa's skin. Jennie takes a deep breath and snuggles in further to warm soft chest behind her, Lisa's pale breasts pushing further into her back. Jennie sighs contently.

A few moments later, Lisa's fingers reach up and languidly stroke through Jennie's tangled hair, and Jennie shuffles around to face the blonde who she finds chuckling softly.

"Are you laughing at me?"

That just makes Lisa chuckle more, the force of her vibrating laughs causing her chest to shake Jennie's body even as she drops her cheek to Lisa's bare chest. Plump lips turn into pale skin and press teasing kisses along the swell of the supple flesh. Lisa sucks in a sharp breath.

"Hell no baby, I'm just thinking about last night."

Jennie giggles softly in return, her own body shivering involuntarily as memories flash through her mind.

"Hmm, it was a good night."

"It was a great night. I haven't been that flexible since...." Lisa trails off when Jennie's eye glance up at her, one eyebrow arched in challenge for Lisa to actually finish that thought. Pale cheeks flush pink and Lisa quickly clears her throat, "I've never been that flexible."

A satisfied smirk crosses Jennie's lips as she leans up to kiss the underside of Lisa's jaw, "Yeah? Me neither."

They fall back into content silence before a knocking on the door breaks their tranquility. Lisa sighs, glancing apologetically at Jennie before sitting up slightly in the bed to shout towards the door.

"Who the hell is it and it better be good!"

There's no answer, which would normally irritate Lisa further but instead she shrugs her shoulders and returns to admiring the naked pale skin of Jennie's body that is not being covered up unjustly by the sheets. Lisa furrows her eyebrows and smirks as she reaches out and draws the cotton material further down Jennie's body until just the swells of her gloriously delectable full breasts are on display.

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