Kill the Old Rival! - part 2

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Cyrus POV

The manta was quiet.

I was quiet the whole ride, even though Leone tried to cheer me up every few minutes, saying that we'd easily take him down, or that we'd be fine. But it was hard believing her.

He nearly took my future happiness away, the girl I would fall in love with. What if I wasn't quick enough before? What if Chelsea really did die that day?

That thought stabs me through the heart like a harpoon. Stop thinking like that! I told myself.

The sky was open and vast, and below, the far east. Now that I think about it, I'm pretty near where...

"Hey, where exactly is the mission? Where was he spotted?" I asked Tatsumi, this was the first thing I said the whole ride.

Tatsumi looked at the file, "It should be in a small village named, GreyWater. Why?"

I knew it. This trip was going to be my personal hell. We're traveling to my hometown, the same town that had tried to kill me, and murdered my parents. The thought made me angry.

Deep in my stomach, I feel like killing the villagers along with Nox. But Rokgough's words go into my mind.

One day, you'll have to forgive them. And it will hurt. He had said.

Well, now's the time to start. It was going to be hard, ignoring them. Don't get me wrong, I hated them all with a never dying passion. I would always hate them.

"I think I see it in the distance." Leone said, looking through some binoculars. Now that I think about it, this is the first mission I've been on with Leone and Tatsumi. I've gone on most of my missions with either Chelsea or Lubbock, well, because I work well with them.

How will I do with these two?

After landing...

I walked into the town, and I instantly felt sad. Everything looked the same, except the fact that the streets were covered in blood.

"Holy Shit. Who did this?" Tatsumi said, holding a hand to his mouth. The place smelled of death, and the slight smell of copper was in the air.

Blood and guts littered the streets like the common tin can in the capital.

I frown. "Who do you think?"

Leone sighed and suddenly her hands turned into lions claws, and her hair grew wildly. I've never actually seen Leone fight, well I have, but not next to me.

Tatsumi also Summons Incursio, and gets covered in his armor. He holds the lance that goes with the armor... what was it's name again? I totally forgot.

All I do is take out my blade, and start to walk into the deathly silent village. Looking down at the dead bodies, I feel sick. But what scares me the most is that I feel better now that their dead. I really am a monster.

These people tortured my family for years, and killed my parents. They ruined my life. There's a big knot in my chest, half of me is glad that their dead, and half of it is pity for them.

"It's fascinating, isn't it?" Said a voice from in an alleyway.

I freeze, and stare into alleyway, watching the man I hate so much come out into the light. He is still wearing the same get up, a robe with a hood, but he's not wearing a hood anymore.

Instead his face is exposed. I stare at his left side of his face, a girl a nth burnt scare in the shape of a hand. Some of his hair had fallen out, and his left eye (his only regular eye) is now pure white, while his right is blood red.

He smiles at me. "It makes you happy, doesn't it? watching the people that hurt you so badly die!"

"How do you know that?" I said as I looked behind me. Leone and Tatsumi weren't there. Where the hell did they go?!

Nox laughs. "After our first get together, I researched on the name, Smoke. I found a lot about you... Killer of the East."

I tense up, "Like what?"

His grin widens. "Like how your family was killed because the village they lived in thought they have birth to a demon! Like how you were raised mostly by the famous Rokgough."

I don't like where this is going. His voice was getting more excited, like it was his friggin birthday or something.

Suddenly a furry fist flat out punches Nox square in the face. He's sent flying, and smacked into a wall of a brick house. I lose tension as I see Leone come out of the alley Nox came out of.

She frowns. "I thought I told you to stick together!"

This attitude surprises me, she never really got mad at me before. It was a different type of Leone than the one I'm used to. I guess this is how she is when she gets serious.

"Focus on the kill!" I heard Tatsumi say, he's standing on a nearby rooftop. "Don't let him in your head!"

Tatsumi rushed forward, just as Nox got up, tackling him more into the building. Soon there was so much dust I couldn't see. But just heard a faint sound of metal clashing.

Tatsumi jumped out of the dust, and landed near me. "Shit, that was close."

Nox walked out of the dust, his katana drawn. He had a slight bruise on his leg that was visible, because of his ripped robe. He grinned widely again.

"Yes, yes! This is what I wanted! come at me Night Raid! Come and try to claim your kill!" He screamed with crazy delight. His eyes wide with excitement.

Me, Leone, and Tatsumi look at each other. We all are thinking the same thing as we all charge at Nox, weapons and fists drawn.

It's time to kill this psychopath!

(Hello! hope you enjoyed that part! expect MORE action in the next part! And thanks for over 600 views!) - MnMs171

Cyrus struggles to keep Nox out of his head. Will he be able to fight Nox and help his comrades at the same time? Find out in the next part!

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