Kill the Party Crashers! - part 1

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Chelsea POV

"Why are just me and Chelsea going on this... mission?" Cyrus said with curiosity in his voice.

Najenda sits calmly at her desk, and looks up from her documents. She looked as if she were planning something, she had said so about a week ago that she's going to start devising a plan for our enemy, the Jäegers.

"This is urgent, and I can't go right at the moment, so you'll be covering for me." she said, looking to me and back to Cyrus.

"Why me though? this doesn't suit me at all!" Cyrus whined, he obviously didn't want to go.

Najenda shoots him a dark look.

"This party is important. all of the rebellion leaders will be there, and I can't make it. I'll be sending you and Chelsea here to fill in for Night Raid. I have another mission for the others while your gone." The boss said, looking out the window.

Cyrus groaned and crossed his arms. He seriously didn't like anything that wasn't exciting, that would give him a rush, as he would say.

"But I'll be so bored!" He said.

Najenda sighed and handed him a document. Reading it, his face lit up slowly.

"Oh hell yeah! I'm in!" He said, shooting up from his seat and walking out the door. "Gotta go get ready!"

I look at Najenda in question, she smiles. "There's always a probability that the enemy knows where the party is being held, so there could be an attack." she said.

That's the only reason he wants to go? I had a sinking feeling in my chest, I thought this could be my chance. He thinks that I hate him, because I never look him in his eyes, but the truth is, that if I do look him in those beautiful eyes of his... I'll probably break.

Najenda grins. "Fufufu. I also sent only you two for another purpose, you know?"

She walked to the door and glanced back at me. She gives me a wink with her good eye. Wait...

"Good luck!" Najenda says as she laughs, walking out of the office.

Blush creeped up to my face, what, she knew?! Did Leone and Akame back stab me?!

I walk out into the hall, my temper rising, Damn those girls, does everyone know?

I turn the corner and run straight into someone, I'm about to fall straight on my butt, but a hand flings out and catches me, while another hand supported my lower back, one in hand.

I was suddenly staring up into Cyrus's eyes, judging by his face he was surprised.

"Be careful." he said. "You'll hit your head if your that clumsy."

I can't seem to move, he's holding me in his arms. I felt my heart jump out of my chest and run a marathon. I'm staring into his eyes.

I can't help myself, I slowly slide my hand across his neck, and start to move my face closer to his.

I'm so so close-

"Oooh! this is such a beautiful sight!" Said Mine from the kitchen, her and Akame were staring with intent.

I push Cyrus off of me and run down the hall, away from everyone. what was I thinking?! Now he's gonna think I'm weird or something. What now, I don't know what to do.

I'm in my room for the rest of the evening, not letting anyone in.

Then, a knock appears at my door.

"Hey, It's Tatsumi. I brought dinner, it's grilled Danger bird, with gravy on the side, like you like it." he said, he was obviously trying to talk to me.

Well, I thought. it might be nice to talk to a guy for once. I let him in, and he set the tray on my table.

as I was about to take the first bite, Tatsumi said this-

"Cyrus made the food tonight, he made it because he wanted to say sorry for, y'know... anyway, he said that he shouldn't have done that when you weren't feeling well." he said.

"Huh?" I mumble quickly.

Tatsumi waved his arms around.

"I mean, he said your face was burning up, and you looked like you were about to pass out, he got a bit worried. so am I." he said, looking out the window.

I suddenly punch Tatsumi outside, he looks at me dumbfounded.

"What was that for?!" He said with surprise.

"Cyrus isn't the only dull person around here!" I scream and slam the door in his face.

Cyrus POV

I sent my food with Tatsumi because I thought she wouldn't want to see me, but when Tatsumi came back he was mad at me and told me not to get his hands dirty with my favors.

What happened? Chelsea and me need to get along better, or else were gonna fail at whatever comes our way in teamwork. Cooperation is what Night Raid is about, right?

I need to get ready for the party, I thought. Lubba grabs me and throws me into his room when I ask him about advice for the party.

"Rule one, there will be woman there! so you must dress for the occasion!" He said as he fished out a suit for me. and I grabbed the I knew I was gonna hate this, I don't like formally dressing to a party.

"Do I have to?" I ask, trying to get the suit off my back, literally.

Lubba got into my face, "Since I'm not going I'm gonna make sure someone can tell me about the beautiful woman that will be there! so yes, you must!" He said.

I sigh and change. Lubba inspects me once I step out into the room from his closet.

Lubba then nods and grins.

"Perfect. you look great, every chick will be crawling all over you!" He said with excitement, then he dimmed.

"and I won't be there to pick up chicks..." he said.

I pat his shoulder, "Its okay man, I'll tell you all about it when I get back!" I said, reassuring him.

He slowly smiles. "Yeah, you better." he said.

With that, I walk to the air manta (Yes, were riding that friggin thing again) and sit to wait for Chelsea.

ten minutes later...

"Holy mother of God..." I said under my breath.

I couldn't help but gasp at the beauty before me.

Chelsea is wearing a dark velvet dress, with no shoulder straps, her hair was curled and styled to look more professional. She was probably the most stunning girl I've ever seen. not that she wasn't cute before, but... this...

I felt my heart skip a beat. I grab my chest and take hold of the reins as Chelsea sat down on the manta.

Chelsea stammered a bit with wording.

"Y-you look handsome." she said simply.

that was probably the first compliment she's ever given me, I think.

"And you look beautiful tonight, Chelsea." I said, trying to avoid her. if I looked at her again, my heart would leap.

We were quiet for the rest of the ride, and as we got to the party, I felt very sure this was going to be a quiet night.

Boy was I wrong...

(Yo! Hoped you liked it! thanks for your support, this is far from over, I'm just getting started!) - MnMs171
(ps - if you've got any ideas for enemies for Night Raid to face, leave me a message and I'll check them out! I'll even feature your name in the part/chapter they air in. thanks!)

Cyrus and Chelsea are now at the party, but Cyrus doesn't like the slow atmosphere. Should Chelsea trust Cyrus's instincts that something is off, or will she try to hard to confess her feelings?! find out in the next part!

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