Chapter 1

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I stood in front of the large gates of Brittania High, gripping the straps of my back pack for reassurance. My uniform consisted of a black skirt with white stockings and black dolly shoes as well as a blue blazer, a white undershirt, and a black tie.

I sighed and passed through the gates only to be met with a court yard sprinkled with trees and filled with other high schoolers.

I could sense which people were Giants, they had just been given pills to accommodate the size of the school. Fairies floated about, mingling with each other and even the other races. Humans walked across the court yard or just sat with their friends.

But then it hit me. Eleven extremely powerful presences, all seeming to be inside the school, and all seeming to be demons. I couldn't sense any Goddesses, so there most likely weren't any.

As I trudged through the courtyard, eyes began to fall on me, making me grip the straps of my backpack harder. Whispers rippled through out the crowds of people and a bead of sweat rolled down my forehead.

Eventually I made it inside the school and walked to the office for my schedule. After I had received my schedule, I made my way to my first period. History.

The moment I entered the class, a violent chill ripped down my spine. Some of the students were already in the classroom, and of those students was a demon.

He had blonde hair which was sticking in practically every direction. His deep onyx eyes seemed to swallow me whole, and his demon mark stretched across his entire forehead. It was in the shape of a half circle, almost a whole circle but just having a little space in between, and a circle in the center.

His face was stern, and from what I could tell, he looked like he reached my ear height wise. He was sitting in the back and staring out the window, deep in thought. I only got to admire him for a few seconds before the bell rang.

I scrambled to find a seat and ended up sitting in the middle row. A man with brown hair and purple eyes entered the classroom and sat down at the teachers desk, gaining everyone's attention.

"Good morning class," he began, "it has come to my attention that we have a new student, please stand and introduce yourself." I stood up from my seat and cleared my throat.

"Hello, I am Elizabeth Liones. Nice to meet you all," I greeted before plopping back down in my seat.

"Welcome, Elizabeth. I am Mr. Dreyfus. Now today we will be learning about the Holy War," he began. I stiffened and the world seemed to blur as I remembered the horrific sight of bodies stacked upon bodies, bloodied and bruised, beaten and battered.

Mr Dreyfus continued.

"So as we all know, it was the Demons who started the war-" I snorted without meaning to, earning a few questioning looks from the other students around me.

"Mrs. Liones? Mind sharing what's so funny?" Mr. Dreyfus asked with an eyebrow raised. I shook my head in amusement and smirked.

"I just find it funny how you think the Demon clan are the ones who started the war," I said confidently. Voices sounded across the room and Mr. Dreyfus did not look happy.

"Excuse me?" Mr. Dreyfus said, "care to explain?" My smirk grew wider before I stood up. Finally, I could at least get a chance to tell the truth.

"Mr. Dreyfus I'm going to guess that you only know what you've read in ancient Goddess scripture. And indeed that scripture did say that the Demons attacked first." He nodded and was about to speak before I interrupted him.

"But you've never met an actual Goddess, have you? Well let me tell you something: I have. And they've told me that they sent a letter to the Demon clan, declaring war on them." Mr. Dreyfus looked shocked before his expression quickly turned to anger.

"The Demons were vile creatures, made purely of darkness and hate! They were not worthy of living-" I slammed my hands down on my table.

"And who decides this worth? Demons have lives too and you better believe that they have things they care about, just like all the other races! It was the Goddesses who decided what's right or wrong, and they didn't  have that authority. The didn't  deserve it," I snarled.

Everyone just sat there, shocked while I registered what I just did. I just yelled at a teacher. My eyes widened. I just yelled at a teacher! I was about to apologize when I heard clapping from behind me.

I looked back to see that blonde Demon clapping his hands and smirking. Slowly, the rest of the class began to clap too, even the teacher. I sat back down, my face in flames.

"Well, I think we all have some things to think about. Now, let's begin the lesson."

Time skip~

The ringing of the bell thundered in my ears. I picked up my bag and began my walk to second period. On the way there, I heard murmurs through out the crowds of students. Some saying 'isn't that the new girl?' or commenting on my looks.

Before I was able to reach my second period classroom, someone stuck their leg out and tripped me. I fell to the floor, flat on my stomach. I heard laughing from behind me. I turned around to glare at who ever tripped me, but halted when I saw them.

There, standing over me, were ten demons.

Demon's Darling (Melizabeth)Where stories live. Discover now