Chapter 5

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I yawned and sat up, my eyes half closed. Grumbling, I rolled off my bed and inch-wormed my way to my bathroom, getting up shakily and bracing myself for my mirror.

I only had one word as a reaction: ew. My hair looked like a freaking birds nest, my eyes were sunken with black bags under them, and there was absolutely no color in my cheeks.

I sighed and began to fix the mess that was my face. It took at least thirty minutes for me to get ready, and before I knew it, I was already skipping off to school.

I recalled the events of yesterday and my skipping slowed to a walk. I clutched the straps of my backpack, knowing at any moment they could all ambush me. Then my mind thought back to the part where Meliodas showed up.

His arms around my waist. My back pressed to his chest. His breath on my ear. I blushed at the thought and began walking faster, almost tripping every once and a while. When I finally reached the court yard, my friends were waiting for me.

"Elizabeth!" Elaine called, getting everyone else's attention. I waved to her as all of them ran towards me.

"Where were you? We thought you weren't coming," Diane admitted. I scratched the back of my neck. Was I really that late? I was about to say something when the first bell rang. Everyone went into a panic.

"We gotta go!" King cried.

"Right, King you know what to do!" Ban shouted. Diane and Elaine gulped while I stood there with a look of 'excuse me, what is happening'.

Without warning, King put Diane on his back and began flying towards the building while Ban scooped up Elaine and threw me over his shoulder, sprinting after King.

I shrieked and began laughing. They were both insanely fast. Everyone else's classes were on the way. Ban burst into my classroom with me still draped over his shoulder.

Everyone gave us a look of pure confusion. I noticed a certain blonde haired demon who was growling at the sight- no, more like growling at Ban. I wondered why. Ban set me down before waving and bolting to his class.

I searched the class for any free seats, and spotted one right in front of Meliodas. My face warmed as I sat down in front of him. I could feel his eyes burning holes into the back of my head.

The bell rang and Mr. Dreyfus walked in, greeting the class and beginning his lesson. About five minutes in, I felt something on my hair. I was confused at first, but then I realized that Meliodas was playing with my hair.

My eyes widened and I stiffened, my face going wine red and the tips of my ears turning pink. I think Meliodas noticed it because he chuckled deeply and continued to play with my silver locks.

Suddenly the teacher clapped his hands, getting everyone's attention.

"Class, we will be doing a partner project on the Holy war. You must pick a clan and create a slide show explaining their role and who they were allied with. You are allowed to pick your partners, begin!"

Multiple boys turned to look at me and I blushed, shrinking back in my chair. Suddenly, a hand grabbed my arm and I jerked my head to see none other than Meliodas. Immediately the boys walked away, feeling threatened.

Meliodas picked me up, one arm under my behind and the other on my waist.

"Meliodas! What are you doing?!" I hissed. He didn't say anything. Instead, he sat down in his seat and put me on his lap. I blushed tremendously as he rested his chin on my shoulder. I pressed my arms to my sides.

Dark tendrils curled from his arm and pulled out a lab top, placing it in front of me. I guess he was implying we start the project. Hesitantly, I lifted my arms, but the moment I did, Meliodas snaked his arms around me and rested his hands on my thighs.

My face was in flames. Why was he being like this? And then I remembered. The demon princes tend to be more possessive over their mates. But I wasn't-

Oh. Oh no.

I was Meliodas's mate. How could this happen? There wasn't any reason he should be acting like this so early on. But then it clicked. Ban. Meliodas had seen me getting carried by him. That must have been why he was growling.

I found it difficult to believe that this was happening. It's not every day your forced to sit on a demon princes lap.

I cleared my throat and created a slide show, beginning on the first blank slide.

"W-Which c-clan do you w-want to write a-about?" I stammered. He thought for a moment before snuggling into the crook of my neck.

"I'll let you decide," he murmured. I gulped and clutched the table.

"H-How about the D-Demon clan?" I suggested. I could see out of the corner of my eye that Meliodas's deep onyx eyes widened. Then he smiled and pulled my shirt back a little, kissing my bare shoulder and earning a shiver from me.

"Perfect," he whispered in a low tone. With shaking fingers, I began to design the title slide, Meliodas assisting me with his darkness. It was a mix of dark purple and black for the colors with little designs and pictures around it.

By the time we had finished the title slide, the bell rang and he lifted me off his lap, onto my feet and grabbing his bag. He smirked at me before strolling out. I just stood there, dumbfounded at the events that had occurred.

I numbly scooped up my bag and stumbled to my next class. If I was his mate, then he could never know I was a goddess. Ever.

But at one point, all secrets must be shared some way or another.

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