Chapter 2

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There, standing over me, were ten demons.

"Well well, seems like there's a new pest at this school," one of them sneered. She had long purple hair and dark onyx eyes, just like the rest of the Demons. Clouds of darkness surrounded her body.

I recognized all of them from the Holy War. The Ten Commandments. With a few demons replaced. It didn't seem like they recognized me, which I was thankful for.

I scowled at her and looked at the other demons. Two of them weren't even originally demons. A fairy with long red hair and beautiful rainbow wings. Gloxinia. A shrunken giant with blue skin, four arms, brown hair and scar tissue over one of his eyes. Drole. The rest were actual demons.

One with short, spiky blonde hair and a demon mark on her cheek in the shape of a beast opening its mouth and a circle in between its maws. Derrierie. The second was a man with brownish purple hair and three lines under his right eye for a demon mark. Those two seemed to be close. Monspeet.

The next demon was an extremely tall man who wore the boys uniform (which consisted of black pants, a blue blazer, a white undershirt with a black tie and black shoes) over his armor, making it look funny. Galand. Most of the stuff looked like it was a pain to get on.

The next two didn't even look human. One of them was purple with spiked coming out of his head, back and arms. His demon mark was a line going through his eyes and three lines connected at the bottom where it curved. Fraudrin. The other was just a large purple blob with milky white faces. Grayroad.

The last two seemed to be the most sinister of them all. One of them had a striking resemblance to the demon in my class except with black hair slicked back. His demon mark was in the shape of a swirl as was the other demon who was taller and had silver spiky hair. Zeldris and Estarossa.

I glowered at each of them before standing up and brushing myself off. Melascula laughed.

"What a pathetic little human. Such a pitiful being," she snickered.

"The only thing that's pathetic and pitiful is your personality," I shot back, shocking the other demons.

"You little..." Melascula grumbled before she stuck her hand out, murmuring a sort of spell. I was confused at first before I felt an intense feeling in my stomach. That intense feeling quickly turned to pain as it rose higher and into my throat. She was trying to take out my soul! Is she insane?!

My body kept getting weaker as the world dipped and swayed. Not going to lie, my soul was huge. I was the Supreme Diety's daughter after all. Just when my soul was about to pass my lips, Melascula's head was slammed into a wall.

My soul went into my body as I gasped and stumbled backwards, taking greedy breaths of air. I looked up to see that blonde demon from my first period who had just smashed her face into a wall.

"Meliodas..." Zeldris snarled. Meliodas removed his hand from Melascula's head and let her fall to the floor. Meliodas. How did I not recognize him from before?

The former leader of the Ten Commandments and first son of the Demon King. His brothers were Zeldris and Estarossa.

"You should keep your pets at bay, Zeldris," he snickered. Zeldris lunged for Meliodas, but in a flash, Meliodas was behind him, holding his arms behind his back. The other demons gasped as Zeldris struggled.

"Now now, Meliodas," mused Estarossa, "no need to be irrational." Meliodas scoffed and shoved Zeldris to the floor.

"Leave, all of you, before you make me angry," Meliodas demanded. Estarossa smirked and bowed while Zeldris picked himself up off the floor. Galand scooped up Melascula as all of them retreated back down the hallway. Meliodas sighed and turned to me.

"Thanks for the save," I smiled. His face showed no emotion.

"Just stay out of trouble," he mumbled as he began walking to his second period class. I shrugged and closed off the rest of the distance between me and my second period class.

Time skip~

It was now the beginning of fourth period. I had sat down in my seat about a minute before the bell rang. Right as it did, the teacher came in and introduced  herself.

"Hello class, it seems we have a new student, introduce yourself," she commanded. Sighing, I stood up, already having to do this for three periods earlier.

"Hello, I'm Elizabeth Liones, nice to meet you all," I said plainly before slumping back down in my seat.

"Hello, Elizabeth. I'm Ms. Vivian. Now today we will be-" she didn't even have time to finish before a student came barreling through the door, gasping and panting.

"WAIT -GASP- I'M HERE!" she wheezed. Ms. Vivian did not look amused.

"Sit down, now," she commanded. The girl nodded nervously and took a seat next to me. She was about my height with brunette hair and purple eyes. She was a giant, definitely.

Ms. Vivian continued.

"Today you will be working with the person next to you in order to complete a worksheet," she said, waving her hand as passing out papers with her magic. "Begin."

I turned to face the brunette, but she was already smiling at me.

"Hi! I'm Diane. You must be new here. What's your name?" she asked cheerfully. I smiled back and spoke.


"It's nice to meet you, Elizabeth!" she chirped. "Let's get started!"

Time skip~

We had finished the worksheet and turned it in before the bell rang. When it did, I expected to find a table and sit alone, but someone caught my wrist. I turned around to see Diane.

"Wanna sit with me and my friends?" she questioned. I was a little startled, for she only just met me about fifty minutes ago. Yet I still grinned and accepted her invitation.

She squealed, linking her arm with mine, and together we walked to lunch.

Demon's Darling (Melizabeth)Where stories live. Discover now