Chapter 10

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Meliodas walked me to PE since it was already seventh period, I guess I was out for quite some time. We arrived a little later, getting an immediate pass from out teacher since they were informed of what had happened.

We earned some curious glances from our classmates, but Meliodas released a low growl from the back of his throat, getting them to look away fast. I patted his shoulder and calmed him down. We stepped over benches and sat by Elaine at the top bench.

I was excused from PE as time to recover, just in case. I watched solemnly as more people were called up to spar, one by one. Some of them were absolutely brutal which made me shudder. I was surprised at how many giants were attending our school.

After seventh period, Elaine, Meliodas and I all walked out into the courtyard and met up with the rest of our friends. We chatted happily for a while before Meliodas scooped me up in a bridal hold, causing me to burst out into a fit of giggles.

Meliodas smirked, turning back to our friends and doing a two finger salute. Wings made of darkness exploded from his back, stretching to reveal a large wingspan. He launched into the air and we began flying towards my house.

When we landed, he hugged me and buried his face into my chest. I blushed, my body tensing. I realized I hadn't felt the burn on my neck where my mark was. I brushed my hair aside and felt around my neck where I could usually feel the dark energy pulsing. It wasn't there!

"U-Um, Mel?" I stammered.

"Hmmm?" he hummed, his voice muffled.

"My m-mark is g-gone!" I exclaimed. He pulled away and examined my neck, giving it a quick kiss on where my mark used to me.

"Huh, I guess it's because you declared your love to me in your own, it also means you meant it," Meliodas explained, grinning. He kissed me and I kissed back right away.

"I love you," Meliodas spoke after breaking the kiss.

"I love you too," I replied. I waved him goodbye and turned to go into my house, but before I could, I felt a hand slap my butt. I jumped and turned around to see Meliodas with that damn cheeky grin of his.

"Meliodas!" I shrieked. He laughed and winked at me before bursting into the sky. When I opened the door to my house I found my sisters squealing. I looked over to the window and found the curtains open. My eyes went wide.

Uh oh.

Time skip~

My sisters had interrogated me for a few hours, by that time it was on to dinner. I enjoyed talking with them like that again. I had just gotten ready for bed and crawled onto the mattress, sighing and staring through the darkness at my ceiling.

Eventually, my eyelids began to feel heavy, closing over my blue orbs.


I laid in a meadow littered in freshly bloomed flowers. I felt as if I was... younger, only a few hundred years old. I basked in the rays of the sun, the warm feeling cradling my body, calming my heart.

My hands rested on the top of my stomach, rising and falling with it. My wings were spread out from under me. Suddenly, a blurred face with blonde hair appeared in my vision, standing over me.

"What are you doing?" the mysterious person asked, tilting their head to the side.

"I'm just sun bathing," I replied, smiling up at them. They plopped down next to me, sitting criss crossed.

"Here," they began, picking up my head and placing it in their lap, "that's better." My face flushed slightly, but I continued to smile anyways.

"Thanks," I spoke as they started playing with my silver locks. Through the blur of their features, I could barely make out a familiar cheeky grin.

"No problem, Ellie, anything for you."


My eyes shot open, my body electrifying with my goddess ability. I realized I was not longer in my bed, but floating next to it, my body a few feet off the ground. My wings were outstretched and my room was engulfed with light. I knew my eyes had changed too.

I quickly tucked away my wings and sank to the floor, dropping to my knees. Why had my goddess ability spiked all of the sudden? The light slowly faded and my eyes returned to normal.

I silently cursed myself. My goddess ability rose, which meant that other higher level beings could sense it too. That couldn't be good, no matter who it was that sensed it.

I sighed, clambering back into my bed and throwing the covers over myself. I was too tired to properly function in that moment. I went to bed trying to reassure myself that everything would be fine.

Little did I know, a storm was brewing in the distance, one me or my friends wouldn't be able to avoid no matter how hard we tried.

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