Chapter 9

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I was floating in darkness for what felt like an eternity, an endless river of unknown. Eventually, I began to hear voices, faint but still there. They started becoming clearer and clearer until I recognized those voices at my friends and mate.

Something was gripping my hand, it was calloused yet soft. Then the darkness that surrounded me became brighter until I was surrounded in
warmth. I felt something kiss the back of my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

My eyes opened slowly, trying to adjust to the bright light of the room. I groaned in the process, lifting a heavy arm over my eyes to shield them. I seemed to be in the nurses office at school.

"Guys she's awake!" Diane whisper shouted. All attention was on me at this point. My arm was pushed from my eyes and lips were smashed onto mine. My eyes widened but closed once more, melting into what I already knew was Meliodas's touch.

I heard a fake cough from the side of me. Meliodas pulled away, still clutching my hand, his head drooping. Diane hugged me from the side while Elaine had half her body on the bed, hugging me the normal way.

Ban walked over and ruffled my hair while King patted my shoulder.

"Oh, Elizabeth, I was so worried!" Elaine cried. I hugged both my friends back, smiling weakly.

"What happened?" King asked. I tried remembering, seeing as my head was still pounding.

"I think... I think I was trying to recall a memory I had lost, and then..." I trailed off, not really wanting to mention it in front of Meliodas, for it would only worry him more. But I would make it even worse if I didn't say anything.

"And then there was this horrible pain in my head, as if something was keeping me from remembering," I explained. Meliodas started rubbing circles on the back of my hand, not only to reassure me, but to calm himself down.

"There's something missing from my memory too, I feel like it's connected to yours," Meliodas started, "we just need to find out what it is." I nodded my head and sat up with the help of Diane.

"But what asshole would keep from remembering something that connected you two?" Ban questioned. I shrugged, shaking my head. I noticed Meliodas hadn't lifted his head the whole time, even when he talked.

My friends seemed to take notice as well when I shot them all a look. They excused themselves from the room and I was left alone with Meliodas.

"Mel...?" I tried. He looked up, his demon mark larger than before, almost coming full circle and emitting a faint purple glow. My eyes widened slightly, but softened after I saw his pained expression.

"I knew something was wrong the moment we separated, I should have been there," he grumbled. I shook my head, smiling sadly at him.

"No one could have anticipated that was gonna happen, besides it's over and done with, I may be just a 'human' but I'm stronger than you think," I spoke softly.

His placed a kiss on the back of my hand, tracing my knuckles with his fingertips.

"I was so worried... and so angry," he growled.

"Why?" I asked timidly. He looked me right in the eyes, his brows scrunched together.

"I was angry because I wasn't there when you needed me," he whispered. And then I did something I never thought I'd be confident enough to do. I leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on his lips. He kissed back almost immediately, gripping my shoulders as I clutched his shirt.

When we pulled away, we pressed our foreheads together, trying to catch our breath, our eyes closed.

"Elizabeth," he panted, "I don't know what's missing from our memories, but I promise I'll do everything in my power to figure it out. I feel like I've known you forever, and there is definitely a reason for that."

I reopened my eyes right as Meliodas did, and I stared into his emerald orbs. Wait- Emerald?!

My eyes widened and I jerked back in surprise, my fingers still tangled in his shirt. His demon mark was gone too.

"M-Meliodas, your eyes!" I gasped. He cursed under his breath and his demon mark reappeared, his eyes returning back to their onyx color. I released his shirt and my hand came up to caress his face.

"They're beautiful. Can I see them again? Please?" I begged. He sighed, relinquishing his mark and the blackness of his eyes. I looked into his eyes, noting each different color and shade of green all swirled together to make something so radiant and beautiful.

"I love them," I gushed. He snuggled into the palm of my hand, his own hand coming up to hold it.

"Not as much as I love you," he cooed. He took me by surprise, as well as himself. "I'm sorry, it's too soon I shouldn't have-"

"I love you too," I blurted. He stared at me for a few seconds, only blinking before he finally spoke.

"You do?" I nodded my head vigorously. He smiled leaning in and kissing me. I didn't hesitate to kiss back. When we broke away, Meliodas pulled me into his chest and hugged me, smiling into my hair.

"I like your green eyes, can I see them more often?" I pleaded. He sighed, rubbing my back.

"Fine, only because I love you too much to say no."

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