Chapter 3

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Diane lead me over to her table and together, we sat down.

"Elizabeth, these are my friends! King," she said, pointing to a ginger haired boy with hair falling over his eye(s) which were a gold color. He had large colorful fairy wings behind him. "He's my boyfriend," she whispered to me and I nodded.

"This is Ban," she then gestured to a boy with spiky pale blue hair and crimson eyes who was literally seven feet tall. "And this is Elaine," she finished, tilting her head toward the  girl sitting next to Ban. She had blonde hair reaching to her shoulder blades, golden eyes and pretty fairy wings.

I could only assume her and King were related, their faces looked very similar.

"I'm Elizabeth, it's very nice to meet you all," I greeted, smiling at them. They smiled back and said their hellos.
We ate lunch, chatting and laughing, them telling me funny stories about their friendship and at least one of them getting flustered.

I laughed a warm and true laugh. I really felt like I belonged with these people. Everything was going great until I got asked a question.

"So, Elizabeth. What race are you?" King asked. My heart skipped a beat and my eyes dulled for a second. I couldn't just outright say I was a goddess. It was also in that moment I realized that King and Elaine could read minds.

King had to be the fairy king, with Gloxinia's absence and all. I guarantee that he was having Gerharde watch over the forest. I amplified the powers suppressed in my mind to try to block King and Elaine out and responded calmly.

"I'm a human."

"Oh, cool! Ban's a human too, he just drank the fountain of youth and now he's immortal," Diane explained. I made an 'o' shape with my mouth.

The rest of lunch went by fast, filled with laughter and joy. Maybe the start of some strong friendships.

Time skip~

I stepped into the gym for my last period, PE. I had already changed into my PE clothes which just consisted of black short running shorts for the girls and a white loose shirt.

For the boys it was a white t shirt and black shorts that went  just above their knees. I was about to sit down when I heard my name being called.

"Elizabeth!" I looked over to see Elaine waving at me. I smiled at her and climbed over the benches, earning a few whistles and catcalls on the way. For some reason I felt a dark aura in the room grow a little. I rolled my eyes and sat down next to her.

"Hey, Elaine! I'm glad I have this class with you. Actually I seem to have most classes with you and everyone, I just didn't notice," I pointed out, tapping my chin. She giggled and nodded.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a certain blonde headed demon sitting far off from everyone else. I turned my head to look at him, and he turned his too, realizing I was staring. I turned away and blushed, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Ok class!" the teacher began. "Today we will be doing combat training!" I gulped. Oh no. "I understand there are humans in here that don't have powers, but I will be pairing you with some who do, just to test your level of skill."

I put my head in my hands. I can't use my powers. No way. I'd just have to use my training. I did have combat training back during the Holy War. I remembered the harsh slaps across my face every time I did something wrong.

"Okay, first up!" she began, catching everyone's attention, "Howzer and... Elizabeth!" I froze. You've got to be kidding me. Howzer was already walking towards the center of the gym. I got up and started walking towards the center of the gym as well.

I stood opposite of him while our teacher stood in the middle of us. We got into our fighting stances and my eyes zeroed in on him.

"Ready?" she asked. We both nodded as wind began to encircle Howzer's fists. "Begin!" I could read Howzer's heart. He was cocky, overly confident. That would be the death of him.

Howzer ran at me and the crowd began to cheer. He threw his fist forward and I brought up my forearm, blocking it and bringing my leg up, kicking him square in the side. He stumbled backwards and the crowd gasped, going silent.

A second later they erupted into a cheer, pumping their fists in the air. Howzer straightened himself, a scowl on his face.

"You're gonna get it princess!" he threatened, sending bursts of wind and me. I dodged, ducking and rolling, managing to avoid each burst he sent at me.

I sprinted forward, catching him off guard and rammed my fist into his jaw, sending him sprawling on the floor. He lifted his hand and sent a burst of wind directly into my stomach, making me go flying backwards. I quickly flipped around, doing multiple back-hand-springs and landing on my feet.

The crowd began cheering again and Howzer looked like he wanted to explode. He yelled and sent a wind attack at my head. I leaned back, watching as it almost grazed my nose and flew into the wall behind me.

While he was off guard I ran forward and uppercutted him in the jaw, knocking him clean off his feet. He didn't get back up, I completely knocked him out. The crowd roared, screaming and applauding. I smiled as the teacher came over and lifted my right hand.

"The winner is... Elizabeth!"

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