Chapter 4

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Elaine and I walked out of the school building and into the courtyard, where she led me over to our friends.

"Hey guys! Ellie totally kicked Howzer's ass in PE!" she exclaimed. They stared at me in awe.

"Really? Good on ya, Ellie!" Ban congratulated as King and Diane agreed. We began to walk out of the school when I felt a violent chill rip down my spine, forcing me to stop.

I guess the others sensed it too because the stopped right after I did. Suddenly, the Ten Commandments dropped in front of us, their eyes piercing our own.

"So, we heard about your little fight in PE, princess," Derrierie mused. I scowled and clenched my fists.

"What do you want?" King questioned, crossing his arms. All of them laughed before Zeldris spoke up.

"We wanna see your skill in person, cmon, princess, show us what your made of." After a few seconds I got into a fighting stance, my eyes shadowed. A hand on my shoulder stopped me from doing anything.

"No, Elizabeth. You don't have to fight, you don't have to do anything they say," Diane reassured.

"No, this is my fight, I can... I can do this," I insisted, unsure of myself. If I was really going to fight I would have to use my Goddess ability, as much as I didn't want to.

"Oh yeah?" I heard Zeldris shout, "try this then!" We whirled our heads around just in time to see hell-blaze hit the ground in front of me, cracking the pavement and sending me flying backwards.

"ELIZABETH!" my friend's cried. I braced for the wall of the school, but instead, I hit something soft. Slowly, I opened my eyes and felt overwhelming power behind me, and something wrapped around my waist.

I turned my head to see Meliodas in all his glory, his arms wrapped around me and my back pressed to his chest. His demon mark emitted a purple glow and his eyes were colder than ever.

"M-Meliodas!" the Ten Commandments stammered. He continued to glare at them and set me down beside him while my friends rushed over, pulling me away from him.

"How many times do I need to say it," Meliodas began, "stop causing trouble everywhere you go, it's annoying to deal with you worthless lowlifes."

The Ten Commandments snarled and ran at him. How would he be able to take all of them on at once?! Dark tendrils curled up from his body and created a dark barrier around the Ten Commandments, forcing all of them onto the floor. He barely broke a sweat.

"O-Ok Meliodas, you win, n-now release us!" Estarossa wheezed. Meliodas sighed but did so anyways. The all gasped and coughed, regaining their breath. Meliodas turned his head to look at me, and I felt my friends tense from beside me.

"You okay?" he asked nonchalantly. I nodded nervously. He grew dark wings and shot into the sky. My friends and I exchanged looks with each other before awkwardly walking out of the courtyard, going our separate ways and promising to see each other tomorrow.

When I got home, I was greeted by my "older sisters", Margaret and Veronica.

"Hello, Elizabeth, how was your first day?" Margaret greeted. I shrugged and smiled.

"It was pretty good, I made some new friends," I informed. They both nodded and I walked upstairs to my room. I tossed my backpack by my door and flopped onto my bed, sighing. Without meaning to slipped into a calm slumber.

I was awoken by Margaret calling me down for dinner. I stumbled down the stairs and slumped into my seat at the table where food was being served by Margaret.

"Is Father home yet?" Veronica asked Margaret hopefully. I looked at her expectantly, but to our dismay she shook her head.

"He won't be back 'till midnight," Margaret said sadly. We nodded and ate in silence. We rarely ever saw Father anymore. After I finished dinner I walked back up to my room and sat on my open window sill.

The moon was out and the stars were shining. I always had a great view of the stars from the Goddess realm. I decided to take a closer look. I climbed out my window and onto my roof, standing on the edge.

I took a deep breath before letting myself fall. Before I could hit the ground wings exploded from my back and I was lifted into the sky. I flew higher and higher until I was above the clouds, staring at the moon and the many glimmering stars.

I grinned before tucking my wings, once more dive-bombing from the sky. At the last second, I spread my wings and glided down to my window, clambering inside and into my room.

I took a quick shower and slipped on my pajamas and practically threw myself onto my bed. I snuggled into my pillows and let sleep consume me, dreaming that one day I would be able to touch the stars.

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