Chapter 11

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A few months had gone by and everything was normal for the most part. Meliodas was being overprotective as always, Diane, Elaine and I were the best of friends, and Ban and King were like my brothers.

We hung out almost all the time, but there was never a time where Meliodas and I were apart. He refused to leave my side in any situation whatsoever. Though when all of us planned to go to a meadow and have a picnic, I insisted I meet him there.

I had a bad feeling that day, so I decided that maybe a little alone time would help calm me down. I strolled through the forest, admiring the beautiful scenery. It was spring time, so many of the plants were flourishing.

When I emerged from the trees and into the clearing, my friends were already there, waving at me. I smiled and began to walk down before a bright light enveloped the field. I shielded my eyes, yelping in surprise. When I reopened them, they widened, my body tensing.

There, around seven feet off the ground, were my friends and lover, all trapped in an omega ark. Diane, Elaine, Ban and King had their skin peeling slightly since they weren't demons. But Meliodas's skin was burning as he howled in pain.

"Meliodas!" I cried, tears stinging my eyes.

"Elizabeth?" a voice called from above. I looked up to see Rudociel, Sariel and Tarmiel all hovering above the ark. My eyes bulged and I froze. "Elizabeth," he repeated, "my betrothed." I snarled at him as my friends shouted in confusion.

Meliodas looked hurt and angry, his fists clenched. Rudociel landed on the other side of the ark while Sariel and Tarmiel stayed in their spots. I walked forward, standing face to face with Rudociel.

I growled at him as he took a strand of my hair between his fingertips.

"Don't be so harsh, Elizabeth, we will be married soon," he soothed. I slapped his hand away, my body flaring with anger.

"I will never marry you!" I shrieked. Rudociel laughed and shook his head before his face morphed into a look of pure seriousness.

"Show then who you really are," he commanded. I lowered my head, my body trembling with rage. The chains that had been keeping my goddess side bound finally snapped.

Two sets of wings exploded from my back in a flurry of light and feathers. My eyes shifted, one orange, one blue with a goddess triskle where my pupil should be. My friends gasped from behind me and Meliodas groaned in pain.

I turned to face them. Elaine and Diane were in utter shock, Ban and King were speechless, but what hurt the most was the saddened look on his face. I couldn't bear to look at it. I turned back to Rudociel and glared at him.

"What do you want?" I snapped. He chuckled and narrowed his eyes.

"Come back to the goddess realm with us, or the demon dies," he threatened. The glow around his, Sariel and Tarmiel's hands brightened and a few seconds after I heard Meliodas yell in pain.

"Stop it!" I screamed, tears pouring from my eyes. I couldn't let him die. "Okay! I'll go with you..." Rudociel smirked as the glow dimmed.

"Good choice. Forgive me, Elizabeth, but I can't risk you getting away now can I?" I was about to question him before he hit the bend of my neck and shoulder insanely hard with his added ability of flash, making me gasp. My vision dipped and I fell sideways.

Rudociel caught me, picking me up in a bridal hold.

"Rest well, my dear Elizabeth, when you wake up, you'll be home," he whispered. My sight became no more and my body fell limp as I slipped into darkness.

Meliodas's POV

I could barely see what was happening, but I had just enough sight to see Rudociel hit Elizabeth and her pass out. He picked her up and whispered something to her. I snarled as my demon mark spread across my entire forehead, the ark still burning my skin.

Rudociel walked up, looking me dead in the eyes. I glared at him, my wrath thundering around in my bones.

"This woman belongs to me, you've had your fun..." he began, brushing a strand of her hair out of her face, making me bang on the wall of the ark and sneer at him. "Now it's my turn."

Rudociel turned and took off into the air, Sariel and Tarmiel following behind him. Once they were out of sight, the ark dissipated and we fell to the floor.

Not a moment later, darkness curled up my my body, my mark coming full circle. My friends backed away, mouths agape.

"DAMN IT!!!" I screamed in rage, slamming my fist into the ground causing a crater to form, cracks rippling through the dirt. I wouldn't let Rudociel get very far, no one takes my woman away from me.

Elizabeth, I'll be there soon, just hold on for me.

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