Chapter 14

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Elizabeth POV

I stared at my dull blue eyes in the mirror as Nerobasta tightened the dress at my waist. My wedding dress. I felt nothing at this point, sure I had hidden my wings for a long time, but knowing that they're gone? To strip a goddess of their wings was the highest punishment besides death.

I might as well have been dead though because without my wings, I couldn't really draw out my magic. Being wingless depleted me of my magic. I was numb, I couldn't feel.

"There, all ready," Nerobasta said in a bitter tone. She was jealous that I got to marry Rudociel instead of her. I would have gladly had her marry him instead of me. I didn't move, I didn't speak. All I did was stare at my dull blue eyes. They looked so cold.

"At least admire your dress, you ungrateful-" Neeobasta caught herself before she said anything else, groaned in frustration, and fled the room. "I'll be back when it's time."

I barely heard the door slam shut. I did admire the dress to pass time. The dress was long sleeved and the neckline was up to half of my neck. The sleeves, neck and collar bone were see through with intricate lace flower designs. The top of the dress was heart shaped, mirroring my chest.

It was pure white with a gold waistline. From it, there was a large lace see through skirt that went down to my feet with the same flower designs and the regular white bottom half of the dress under it. My hair was pulled up into a bun with a few strands hanging down. I adorned plain white heels. Lastly, the vail was the same flowered lace like the parts of my dress.

I sighed, allowing a single tear to slip down my cheek. I had missed Meliodas and my friends so much. I wouldn't have blamed them if they didn't come after me, I lied to them. A few minutes later, Nerobasta swung open the door.

"It's time."

I followed her down the corridor until we reached two large wooden doors with gold lines twisting and swirling to make intricate patterns. She reluctantly hooked her arm through mine and pushed open the door.

There were multiple goddesses all seated in rows. They each turned to look at me as Nerobasta tugged me down the isle. My eyes met Rudociel's and I deadpanned. Nerobasta forced me up on the stage and stood off to the side.

Rudociel was wearing a simple black tuxedo with a blue tie. The 'priest' (Or whatever their called)stepped up to the podium holding a book. He began speaking but I zoned out, my head pounding and my heart wrenching. I must have zoned out for a while because we had gotten to the 'I do's'.

"Do you, Rudociel, leader of the Four Archangels take Elizabeth, daughter of the Supreme Diety and heir to the throne as your lawfully wedded wife?" He smiled a fake smile.

"I do."

"And do you, Elizabeth, daughter of the Supreme Diety and heir to the throne take Rudociel, leader of the Four Archangels as your lawfully wedded husband?" This was it, the decision that would determine the rest of my life.

Surprisingly, it wasn't a difficult decision. I mustered up the courage to give my answer.

"I... I don't!" I shouted, my throat burning. Multiple gasps were heard through out the room and whispers rippled across the sea of goddesses.

"Why you-" Rudociel began before he was cut off by a loud bang and a rumbling sound. Screams and shouts were heard before the roof collapsed and everything went dark.


There was a loud ringing noise in my ears, drowning out any other sounds. The sound lessened and lessened until I could hear the cries of goddesses. A protective ark surrounded me, keeping me out of harm. I saw Rudociel a few feet away, making his way towards me.

The protective ark fell, dissipating to nothing. I guess my goddess side had flared up for a brief second of panic even though I didn't have my wings. Before Rudociel could reach me, dark tendrils wrapped around my waist and pulled me backwards into something soft.

"You look beautiful in that dress," a dark voice whispered in my ear. I shivered, but a single tear of happiness escaped my eye. He came for me. Even though I had lied to him and all of our friends, he still came to save me.

"Unhand Lady Elizabeth you filthy demon!" Rudociel spat. Meliodas chuckled harshly and stood up, helping me up as well. He pulled me to his chest, his arm around my waist. He raised a sword, pointing it towards Rudociel.

"That's the last thing I'd ever do," he admitted, smirking. My face flushed slightly, but not as much as it usually would. My cheeks were pale and my eyes were dull like before. Meliodas took notice of this, studying my face with worried onyx eyes.

He turned back to Rudociel, eyebrows narrowed and his demon mark almost coming full circle.

"I'm going to make you regret the day you were born."

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