Chapter 6

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Diane kept pestering me in fourth period to tell her what was wrong, to which I always responded with: I'll tell you at lunch. I was still trying to comprehend the fact that I know basically belonged to a freaking demon prince.

I rubbed my temples, trying to sooth the headache that was now forming. I just had to be calm about this. No big deal. Okay, that's a lie, it was a huge deal. I groaned and banged my head against the table, keeping it down and throwing my arms over my head.

By the time the bell rang, I barley had enough time to grab my bag before Diane grabbed me by the wrist, dragging me to lunch despite my whimpers and protests. The moment we reach the table, she sits me down and slides in next to me.

"Now spill it, what happened?" Diane pressured. The others gave us confusing looks as to what we were talking about.

"Elizabeth has something to tell us," Diane answered, noticing their faces. They nodded and absentmindedly leaned forward, waiting for my answer. I sighed and began timidly telling them about what was going on.

"So, you all learned about the demon clan and about how there are three demon princes in this school, right?" They all bobbed their heads, intrigue taking over their auras.

"Well... I think I'm one of their... Mates," I said quietly. No one said anything for a while, just deafening silence in the loud lunch room. Until Elaine got up and slammed her hands on the table.

"WHAT?!" she exclaimed, gaining everyone's attention. I shushed her, my face flushing tremendously.

"Your... A demon prince's.... Mate?"
King spoke in disbelief. I nodded and clutched the sleeve of my blazer.

"Which demon prince?" Ban questioned. I shuddered as my mind replayed that blonde demon's cheeky smile in my head.

"Meliodas..." I murmured. Ban choked on air and King looked like he was about to pass out. Diane and Elaine were silently squealing.

I ship it," Diane whispered beside me. I flinched and looked at her with wide eyes.

"What?" I asked dumbly.

"You guys would make a cute couple!" Elaine screeched. I grumbled and my head drooped, wondering how I got myself in this mess in the first place.

The rest of lunch was teasing from Elaine and Diane while receiving warning from Ban and King. I just listened, never responding.

Though it wasn't because of my embarrassment. It was because of the piercing gaze of Meliodas I felt on me almost the entire time.

Time skip~

I dragged myself to my last period, my PE clothes feeling as if they were weighing me down. I spotted Elaine sitting in the very back, waving crazily to me, her wings glittering.

I smiled and stepped over many benches to get to her. The moment I stepped on the last bench, someone slapped my butt. I jumped and whipped around to see a boy with green hair and pale gray eyes laughing.

I felt so embarrassed. Elaine was about to yell at him, but before she could, I was shoved back onto the bench next to Elaine. I looked up to the one and only Meliodas standing in front of me, a bone chilling aura surrounding him.

He grabbed the boy by the throat and lifted him up. I gasped and jerked forward.

"Meliodas, stop this!" I cried, grabbing his hand. Meliodas stiffened at my touch, turning to me and looking into my bluebell eyes. He grunted in frustration and turned back to the boy he was choking.

"If you ever touch her again, I will gut you and feed your organs to red demons, understand?" He snarled. The boy nodded, well, tried to with Meliodas's hand still clamped around his neck.

Meliodas dropped him and the boy gasped for air, rubbing the bruise now forming across his skin. Meliodas sat down next to me and mumbling to himself, taking my hand to calm himself down.

My face flushed as he rubbed his thumb in circles across the back of my hand. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Elaine smirking at me. I waved her off, my face warming while Meliodas traced my knuckles.

A few more fights were waged, at one point Elaine went up against Griamore and kicked his butt while still looking adorable.

When the period was over and after Elaine and I changed, we headed out to the courtyard to meet our friends. I walked right over to Diane and sagged into her arms. She patted my head and smiled.

"It can't be that bad being Meliodas's mate, can it?" she tried to reassure. I looked up at her with a tired expression.

"It's stressing me out just thinking about it," I exaggerated. Everyone chuckled and we began walking towards the gate. Without warning, Meliodas landed in front of me, getting everyone to gasp and get into fighting stances.

"Relax, I'm not gonna hurt any of you, I'm just here to take Elizabeth," he said. I was about to ask what he meant until he picked me up bridal style, earning a yelp from me.

He spread his wings made of darkness and took off into the sky, my friends calling after me.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow!" I called over Meliodas's shoulder. I gave him timid directions to my house. He flew right to my window, opening it and stepping inside. He sat me down on my bed and looked at me.

"I'm sorry, but I need people to know you belong to someone else," he apologized.

"Wha-" I was cut off when Meliodas grabbed my shoulders and pushed his face to my neck. He bit down and my eyes bulged, my body trembling slightly as a trail of blood dripped down my skin. I could feel the darkness seeping in, swirling across my skin in that one spot. A single tear escaped my eye.

Meliodas laid me down and looked at me apologetically when he was done.

"Rest well, my sweet Elizabeth." And with that, my vision fogged, the last thing my sight captured being Meliodas's face.

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