A Date from Hell

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Damon and I fall back on the couch and he smiles and mutters an I love you before kissing me again. The door opens and we both look and see Caroline.

It's been a month since everyone found out that we're dating, and it's kind of embarrassing but they think we're cute together.

"Hey guys. Remember the Founders Party is tonight."

"Okay Care." She walks out then Damon and I both sit up. I pull myself into his lap and I look up at him, waiting.

"Well? Aren't you going to ask me anything?"


"Damon Salvatore I thought you used to be a gentleman."

"I was. Then I died." I scowl at him, but a smile still plays on my lips.

"Okay, what am I supposed to ask my beautiful girlfriend?"

"I don't know... there's this thing tonight called the Founders Party and I don't have a date." He smirks and I smile at him.

"Miss Gilbert, may I escort you to the Founders Party tonight?"

"Yes Mr. Salvatore, you can." I lean my head against his and he kisses me gently.

"I love you Damon."

"I love you too Elena." I smile as something comes to mind.

"So guess what."


"I'm in Miss Mystic again."

"Ooh does that mean that we get to dance together again?"

"You haven't asked me yet."

"Elena, may I have the pleasure of being your escort to Miss Mystic Falls?"

"Yes you may." He pulls a blanket over us and we watch The Breakfast Club. After the movie, Damon and I get ready for the party. I'm still putting on makeup and he is already done.

"I'll be ready in a few." He nods then heads downstairs. I pull on a cobalt blue strapless that flows down to my feet, then I pull a pair of black heels on. Huh, the same heels I wore the day I told Damon I loved him. I put some strawberry lipgloss and finally I pull my hair back into a bun and I put in some beautiful sapphire pins my mother gave me. I go downstairs and Damon stands talking to Klaus, whom Caroline is dating now. Damon turns around and I smile at him. He gapes at me. He smiles then holds his arm out to me. I take it then Caroline comes out of the bathroom.

"Oh my god, Elena, you look beautiful."

"So do you Care." She smiles then takes Klaus' arm. We all head to the party and Damon helps me out of the car.

"Miss Gilbert." I giggle.

"Thank you Mr. Salvatore." We go into the party and I spot someone I never wanted to see again. Obviously Damon spots both of them, because a warning growl is barely audible in his throat. They come over to us.

"What are you two doing here?"

"We're both from founding families. Can you say the same, brother?" Stefan nods.

"Good to see you too Damon." Katherine says.

"You know I could easily kill her right? Just a quick snap of her neck. Nobody would even know it was me." She shoots a look at me.

"You'd have to try a lot harder than that." I will the veins to crawl down my face. They both look genuinely stunned.

"Goodbye brother. Slut." She shoots a glare at him and we walk towards the dance floor. All of Me by John Legend starts, and Damon pulls me into him.

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