Fights, Cuteness, and Surprises

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I storm out of our bedroom and downstairs.

"Don't walk away Elena!"

"Too bad, I already started!"

"We can get through this. I know you're so close to forgiving me. I need you, Elena."

"Just don't, Damon."

"Elena please it wasn't like that!"


"She put the moves on me. Not the other way around."

"Yeah, and you just stood there with her tongue down your throat!"

"Elena I'm begging you. It was a mistake. I love you and only you."

"You know Damon, I used to think that maybe, just maybe we could be together without any trouble like this. I hoped you could change." My eyes water.

"But you know what they say about hope. It breeds eternal misery." I go to walk away again.

"Elena, I have changed. I changed. God I swear to you of that."

"I just don't know if I can believe you."

"What can I do? Please tell me what I can do." I debate it.

"You can kiss me." I pull his lips to mine and he presses me against the wall. I wrap my right leg around his waist and he flashes us back in our bedroom.

You see, what happened was this:

I come back from the bathroom, but before I turn the corner to our table, I see Damon with some woman, and they're kissing. I secure Aimee on my waist then I walk out of the resturaunt.

"Elena!" It's been 4 months since Aimee was born. It's almost Halloween. Damon runs after me.

"Elena please! Just talk to me."

"HOW COULD YOU?!?" Aimee starts crying, so I comfort her then I keep walking.

"So that's it, you're just going to take our daughter and leave?"

"No, I'm taking them both."

"DON'T WALK AWAY ELENA!" I turn around to see Damon nearly in tears.

"You know, they say the ones that walk away are the cowards." I secure Aimee again.

"I think it's the ones who cheat." I keep walking and Damon flashes in front of me.

"Please, I love you. Elena, I'll die without you."

"You didn't seem to mind it when you kissed her. When you just stood there and did nothing to stop her. You chose a kiss over your wife and children. I'm not staying if I can't trust you, Damon."

So that's when I went home and started packing. I think my clothes are on the floor now along with the clothes I was wearing... I also think they're ripped. Gotta love makeup sex, am I right?

Damon and I collapse into a breathless sweaty mess. We aren't smiling like the usual. He stares down at me and I stare up at him.

"I love you." I whisper.

"I love you." He whispers back.

"I'm sorry. I should've known better."

"No, it's my fault. I shouldn't have let her talk to me."

"Can I eat her?"

"I'd rather you not. Liz is already concerned enough about the 2 newest additions to Mystic Falls. Even if one of them isn't here yet." I smile, then as if on cue, Aimee starts crying. I pull my bra on followed by my underwear, then I put my robe on. I go downstairs and I warm up a bottle of blood, then I go in the soft pink nursery to comfort the crying baby. I smile at her cute little pajamas, white with pink pokadots and her pink hat. I pick her up and she smiles a little at me, her crystal blue eyes shining.

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