Romance Troubles

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It was about a week after we got home that Meredith could schedule an appointment for Elena.

We head out of the house and Elena giggles.

"I love that you're already showing."


"It's enough for me." I whisper. I press my lips against hers then we head over to the office. We sit down and wait for Meredith.

"Mrs. Salvatore, Dr. Fell will see you now." We stand up and head to the office.

"Damon, Elena, and oh my god." She looks at her already showing stomach.

"What is it?"

"How far along did you say you were?"

"About 9 1/2 weeks, why?"

"Hmm... I should probably take a look." Elena gets up on the table and Meredith spreads the gel on her stomach then looks around. Her jaw drops.

"Oh. My. God."

"What is it?"

"Is the baby okay?" I add.

"Take a good look." Elena and I both stare at the screen until Elena grins.

"So they're okay?"

"They?" Elena points to the screen.

"1, 2." I smile.


"It was abnormal that the baby was so big, but here's the explanation. You're having twins." Elena squeals and I lean down and kiss her. Meredith cleans her stomach off.

"Can you give an estimate on what we might have?"

"Well, if you look close, one is sort of bigger than the other, so I'm guessing they're fraternal twins so a boy and a girl. But we won't know for sure until about 4 1/2 to 5 months, same as usual." Elena smiles at me as we gaze at our little Salvatores.

"Oh and Meredith, you're invited over for Thanksgiving."

"I'll be there." We smile at her then we head home. Caroline attacks us.

"So? How's the baby?"

"You mean babies?" Elena looks over at me.

"They're fine." Caroline's eyes nearly pop out of her head.

"Twins?!?" Elena and I both nod. She squeals like Elena did and wraps her in a hug.

"Congratulations to the both of you!" Elena smiles up at me and I press my lips to hers softly.

"So, who's up for turkey?"

"Meeeeeee!!!!" Katherine's little son, Nathan runs into the room. Oh... Did I mention Stefan and Katherine had another son about... 2 years ago when Hayden was 11? Hmm... Maybe not. Caroline and Klaus' daughter, Kaitlyn, runs into the room. Damn it! Did I forget to mention that Caroline and Klaus had a daughter 2 years ago too? Damn, I'm really bad with these things.

"Uncle Damon, can I have some milk?"

"Not my call sweetie, that's Mom's call." She pouts then runs off. She got Klaus' dark blue eyes and Caroline's wavy blonde hair along with her pout. I secretly hope that one of them is a girl and she gets my smile like all the kids have. Aimee and Alex run in.

"Is our little sibling okay?"

"Actually, you have 2 little siblings."

"Wait, twins?"

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