I Remember

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He stares in shock as I tell him that.

"What? How?"

"It's moments with you. The first one was I think maybe when I was pregnant with Alex. I had him, then you called me. I was completely in love with you. The second was maybe sooner. We were in bed together and you told me why you loved me. It was so sweet. Maybe if we do things that are normal for us, I can get more memories back."

"Tomorrow. Let's go to bed." He gently takes my hand and we go into the bedroom. Suddenly I feel something I only felt when I was remembering Damon. A lust, a wanting for him.

"Damon." He turns to me and I take a step toward him. I press my lips to his gently.

"Elena, we can't. I can't. Not if you can't remember."

"Damon, I remember enough and I still have feelings. I still feel my heart jump every time you look at me. I might not remember why, but nothing can take that away. Nothing can make me un-feel that."

"Elena, we shouldn't even be sleeping in the same bed."

"Damon, I love you. That's all I know. When I look at you, all I feel is love. And I know you love me too."

"I won't sleep with you. But we can sleep in the same bed." I nod and he slips his shirt off then pulls his jeans off and slides a pair of pajama pants on, leaving his shirt off. He lies on one side of the bed and I lay on the other. Soon I hear his breathing slow and I know he's fallen asleep. He flips around, still asleep and his hand automatically wraps around my waist. I tuck my head in the crook of his neck. I start feeling safe. Like he's my angel. He is an angel. So pure, so kind. He's amazing. I have to get him back. I have to get my memories back.

When I wake up, I smell coffee and breakfast. I pull myself out of bed and I head downstairs following the scent of toast and eggs.

"Morning." Damon turns around and smiles at me.

"I just have to run the kids to school then we can take a walk down memory lane." I nod. I go upstairs and I go into a closet which I assume is mine, and I pick out a pair of jeans and a black v-neck shirt. I slip on a pair of black boots then I wait downstairs for Damon. I hear a car horn honk and I see him outside.

"Come on! We have to get on the road!"

"Where the hell are you taking me?"

"To some local places." I giggle and I run down the steps. I jump in the car and we drive to an old road.

"What is this place?"

"This is where we met. You and I were strangers, you didn't know who or what I was. But you flirted with me anyways." I remember.

Mystic Falls, 2009

"I know Bonnie. You're right. You and my mom both are, I just can't tell him. At least, not tonight." I hang up then I look up and I'm greeted with a pair of crystal blue eyes.

"Katherine." I look behind me.

"Um, no- I- I'm Elena."

"Oh. You- you just look-" He stares at me.

"I'm sorry. You just really remind me of someone. I'm Damon."

"Not to be rude or anything Damon, but it's a little creepy that you're out here in the middle of nowhere?"

"You're one to talk, you're out here all by yourself." He says jokingly, flashing me a gorgeous smile.

"It's Mystic Falls, nothing bad ever happens here." We stand awkwardly.

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