Thank You

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Hey guys, sorry if you were expecting an update, but I'd like to formally introduce myself.

Hi, I'm Megan. I'm 13 years old, I live in Colorado, and I'm an 8th grader at Wayne Carle Middle School. I've had a pretty tough life, starting with my Mom and Dad breaking up. I know that doesn't sound that bad, but it was terrifying.

I was bullied in the 4th grade because I was overweight, and now it's happening again. I rarely let down my walls, kinda like Damon, because I'm afraid of getting hurt again. Today, me trusting someone ended up in a huge slap in the face. But also, it taught me something, and there's something I want to say to all of my fans.

Thank you.

Thank you for making it such a kind and caring environment, making me feel amazing with your reviews, cheering me up, like today when @_mrssomeralder_ made me feel so much better with your comment (and I promise I'll update soon) when I was crying.

You all have made my life so much better by being not just fans, but friends. I consider you all friends, because just by reading my stories you're there for me, even if you live 2 miles or 3000 miles away.

So thank you all so much, love you :)

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