New Orleans, Louisiana

918 24 8

Damon and I step off the plane and I immediately regret New Orleans.

"Ugh, this humidity." Damon laughs a little. We're both so worried about Aimee. Klaus has a friend, Marcel, here in New Orleans.

"First thing we need to do is track down the vampire Klas told us about. He'll probably know about the witches." We head out to the rental car and head down to bourbon street. We park outside and we start walking. Damon takes my hand.

"We're going to find her. And she's going to be alive." We enter a bar on the corner of bourbon street. I spot a guy so I go up to him.

"Do you know this guy, his name is Marcel?"

"Who's asking?"

"I hear he has a friend, his name is Klaus. Klaus just so happens to be dating my best friend."

"Yeah, I know Marcel. He's around."

"Where can I find him?"

"What's in it for me, sweetness?" He flashes me a grin. An arm wraps around my waist.

"Did I also mention that I'm married? Also that I have 2 kids. One of them is 16 and he's out looking for our daughter who's been kidnapped by witches. So I suggest you start talking before I rip you apart without blinking." He laughs.

"His favorite bar is down the street. A place called Hurricane's."

"Thanks for the tip." Damon and I leave and we head down the street. Entering the bar, we look around.

"Well look what just strutted into my bar. Damon Salvatore." A man with Bonnie's skin color but darker comes up to us.

"You're Marcel."

"My reputation proceeds me."

"Actually no. We're in a bit of a hurry. Klaus Mikelson said you'd know where the witches are in this place?"

"I do. What is it you're looking for?"

"If we told you, you'd think we were crazy."

"Try me." Damon squeezes my hand reassuringly.

"You know that funny little wisetale of how vampires can't procreate?"

"Of course."

"Well, we're the loophole. I'm Elena Salvatore also known as the Petrova doppelganger. When doppelgangers are turned, they can still procreate. Damon and I are both doppelgangers. I suspect you get the picture."

"I'm starting to suspect that it's not so much of a what and more of a who." I pull out the photo of Aimee and Hayden.

"The one on the left is Hayden, our niece. The one on the left is our daughter, Aimee. She's been kidnapped by witches. We were hoping for a substantial lead before we call in backup."

"That's your daughther?" We both nod.

"You came to the right place." He downs his drink.

"Your girl was kidnapped about 24 hours ago. She was brought into New Orleans because she's important. But I'm telling you, live today, fight tomorrow because there is a whole coven of witches and just the two of you don't stand a chance. Now I want an answer." We nod.

"Well it's a message actually. Tell Klaus to come and see me when he rolls in."

"Will do. Thank you for the help."

"Anytime." We head over to the car, Damon lifting me up and spinning me around.

"We're gonna find her, Elena. She's here, in the city."

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