A Perfect Day

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I roll over to see Elena. She looks so peaceful while she sleeps.

"You're staring."


"It's creepy."

"It's romantic." I whisper in her ear. She smiles then pulls my head down to hers. After we pull away, I smirk at her making a blush creep up on her cheeks.

"I love you Elena Salvatore."

"It's not Salvatore yet."

"Almost." Alex comes in at that moment. He's on Spring Break right now, and his 6th birthday is tomorrow.

"Morning Mama. Morning Daddy." I lift him up on the bed.

"Go back to sleep little man. It's too early." He nods then I notice Elena's back asleep. She's 7 months in now. I press my lips to her stomach and she shifts a little.

When I wake up again, Elena and Alex aren't there. I look at the clock. 9:45. I run a hand through my hair and I head downstairs toward the smell of bacon and toast. I see Elena on the couch watching cartoons while Katherine makes breakfast. I sit down and Alex smiles up at me.

"Morning little man."

"Morning Daddy." Elena smiles at us.

"Morning Elena."

"Morning Damon." I whisper a good morning to Aimee then I watch cartoons with Elena and Alex.

"Damon come on. We have to get ready." Elena pulls herself up while  I'm very confused.

"For... What?"

"Damon Salvatore have you forgotten about the garden party we have to go to while Katherine and Stefan watch Alex?" She moves her head referencing to him.

"Oh, right, we should go get ready!" We go upstairs and Elena pulls a red dress on that's flouncy at the top but hugs her butt and legs. I come behind her and I gently kiss her neck. She smiles and pulls my head up to hers.

"I love you Damon."

"I love you Elena."

Elena's POV

We head downstairs and Alex runs up to us.

"Can I pretty please come?"

"Nope. It's just for grownups."

"Okay." He says, disappointed. Damon and I head outside to the car.

"That was close."

"Yes it was." We head to Toys R Us and I smile. Caroline and I went to the Baby's R Us for Alex's stuff when he was a baby. I had to get a crib and stuff, only because I kept Alex for 3 months after he was born, then I went home.

Syracuse, 2010

I walk awkwardly into the store. Of course, nobody here will know why it's a bad thing that I'm pregnant, except for the fact that I'm 17, and the fact that it's Damon's baby, and the baby is a vampire- Caroline knows everything, since she's a vampire now.

"You okay Elena?"

"Other than the fact that I'm carrying Damon Salvatore's baby, I'm peachy keen."

"I'm gonna stake his ass when we get back to Mystic Falls."

"But remember to keep your mouth shut about the baby. Alex, I should start calling him now. My son."

"Have you figured out what you want to do?"

"John said he's going to take him. He'll see me every so often but for the most part, I'll just resume my life."

"When are you going to tell the jackass father of Alexander?"

"Caroline be nice."

"I'm just saying. He just couldn't keep his dick in place could he?"

"Care, I've told you this before. I was angry at Stefan and I made the move on him."

"I know." I get a call from Damon.


"Hey Elena. What's up?"

"Just hanging out in Syracuse. You?"

"Waiting for you to come home. It's the Salvatore Boring house without you around."

"I'll be home in a few months."

"Why are you staying there for a year again?"

"Damon, we've been over this. Caroline and I are looking at colleges here in Syracuse, and we just need time off from drama."

"I gave you time off from drama."

"You said we'd never talk about that again."

"Whatever Elena." He says playfully.

"I have to go." I say softly.

"Okay. Bye doppelganger."


End of Flashback

I open my eyes and I smile. Damon and I go inside.

"Come on." We took Alex in here a couple weeks ago and he loved one of the nerf guns.

After we picked out the one, we head over to the book section.

"You seemed really out of it in the car."

"Do you remember the time you called me in Syracuse, told me it was the Salvatore Boring house?"

"I do."

"I was in Baby's R Us when you called me. I had just found out that it was a boy and I actually thought maybe, just maybe I'd have the strength to tell you. But I didn't."

"It's okay, Elena. I probably wouldn't be here if you had told me sooner because I would've been an ass and had told Stefan about Alex." I laugh. He pulls me into him.

"What would I have to do to get you into that bathroom?"

"Damon Giuseppe! This is a children's store!"

"Fine, fine." We pick out a couple books for Aimee then a few more toys for Alex, then we head to checkout.

"Elena Gilbert?" I freeze at the familiar voice. I turn.

"It is you! How are you? How's little Alex?"

"He's good. Angela, this is Damon."

"I heard so much about you. I'm Angela Davis. I ran a Teenage Pregnancy Support Group in Syracuse but I'm from here."

"Nice to meet you."

"Elena, I see you-" I give her a look. She understands.

"I see you're pregnant again! Is it a girl or a boy?"

"It's a girl."

"Do you know what you're going to name her?"


"That's beautiful! Take care okay? I have to go."

"Bye Angie."

"Bye Elena." She walks out and Damon turns to me.

"Teenage Pregnancy Support Group?"

"Hey, I was 17 and pregnant. Last I checked that was your fault."

"Touché." We head out to the car and I wrap Alex's presents, then we go home.

OH MY GOD, SORRY IT'S SHORT BUT GUYS, YOU BETTER HAVE WATCHED THIS WEEK'S EPISODE!!!!! IT'S TRUE, DAMON SALVATORE WALKS AMONG THE LIVING!!!!! Granted Elena thinks he's a homicidal maniac, but I SERIOUSLY doubt Ric is going to let her keep thinking that WHEN DAMON FREAKING GIUSEPPE SALVATORE IS BACK!!!! Bonnie isn't, but I'm sure she'll find a way. Love to you all, AND BE VERY EXCITED!!!! Happy Halloween Doppelgangers :)

~Me <3

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