Tragedy Strikes Those Who Love Another

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I wake up in Damon's arms in our little cave. I see a little bit of light from the water. I put my bikini on then I dive into the water. I resurface and I go over to the crevice in the rock wall and I grab my phone and the moon stone. I call Klaus, slipping some real clothes on quickly.


"The moon stone. Was it destroyed in the sacrifice?"

"I don't know, you all tried to kill me before I could see."

"Well, obviously it wasn't. Damon and I found it. We're at the falls."

"The moon stone binds one curse and one curse alone. Mine. So I suggest you hide it somewhere safe." 


"Because the last thing we need is supernaturals with revenge plots against me running amuck in Mystic Falls. Especially with your little Salvatores running around. Remember, if I die, you, Damon, Alex, Aimee and all of them die." Confusion, I'd think so. Obviously he senses that.

"The power of the moon stone can also undo the curse with help from a witch."


"So if you want to protect your little Salvatores, get rid of it."

"Isn't there a little Mikelson in your future?"

"What are you talking about?"

"When I was killed by 3 witches, before I woke up I heard them talking about a miracle baby. Between the heartless hybrid and the humanity filled vampire. The only person who would ever think of carrying your baby is Caroline. She has more humanity than all of us."

"That is impossible, Elena. I can't get another vampire pregnant unless she is a doppelganger. Caroline is not a doppelganger."

"We'll see. Anything is possible. I mean, 18 years ago, I was dating a football player and I was captain of the cheerleading squad. I had parents. I never thought that a little less than a year later I'd be carrying the soon to be love of my life's baby."

"What's the point of all this?"

"The point of this is that you can't say it's impossible. I have to go. Bye." I hang up and I look at the moon stone. I put my phone back with Damon's then I look for Damon's cave. I move a giant boulder to find a cave. I see a shelf with books, a chair in the corner. I run my finger over the spines of the books until I come to one with no title. I grab a book with a few photos, then the Gilbert curiosity eats at me and I grab the titleless book. I move the boulder back in place and I put the books into my bag. I hear a few splashes then Damon surfaces.

"Damn, make me swim just to say good morning? Low blow, doppelganger."

"Takes a doppelganger to love a doppelganger." I smile at him and he laughs.

"Damn. That backfired." I giggle and he pulls me into him.

"Come on. We have to go tell them that Mom's back." He intertwines our fingers and we head toward the car. A woman leans against it and I grab Damon's arm.

"Damon Salvatore."

"Charlotte. Joy."

"Who's this pretty thing?"

"My wife." The smile she has disappears in an instant.

"Hm." She sneers and keeps leaving against the car.

"Just leave, Charlotte."

"Not without you."

"You're kidding me right?"

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