Issues and Resolutions

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I quickly go to my locker. I pull my books out and I put my bag inside. My phone buzzes. Alex flashes across the screen and I press the end button. Once I have all my books, I close my locker and Alex stands there.

"So my suspicions were correct. You're avoiding me."

"I'm not avoiding you."

"Um, yes you are. We haven't spoken a word in a week. You've been avoiding me."

"So your point is?"

"So my point is that you've also been sick for a week."

"Alex, can't we just drop it?"

"No, I can't."

"I'm here now. I'm fine."

"You're lying to me."


"I'm a vampire, you know that."


"So I have perfect senses and I can tell when you're lying."


"Sam, you've got a lot of qualities but I never thought of you as a liar." He walks away and I feel tears come to my eyes.

"Lexy looked mad, slut. What'd you do to him?"

"Why do you care? I mean, you probably have what you want. After this I don't know if Alex will ever be with me again." I slam my locker and I head to class. Crap, I forgot that I have every class with Alex. I head toward Hollis' class and I sit in the last seat available- right behind Alex.

"Class, open your books to chapter 7 on page 264. Today will be just notes then a short video on the reaction of thermite and ice." I open my book and my journal.

"This will be silent or else it is automatic detention." I write on a piece of paper.

Please talk to me. I put it on Alex's desk. Soon he passes it back.

I'd rather not get detention.

Alex, please. I want to tell you. But not like this.

Just tell me. Now. Or you can forget about any conversations we'll ever have. I hesitate.

I'm pregnant Alex.

He never gives me the note back. I copy down the notes. When the bell rings, I quickly get out of my seat and I go for the door.

"Sam!" I quickly head for the next class but I can always here Alex's footsteps.

"Sam, stop!" He grabs my arm.

"Let me go." I pull it out of his grasp and I keep walking.

At lunch, I sit alone. I get a ceaser salad, but I can barely eat anything. I go outside early with my phone. I put an earbud in and I listen to Hold On Until May by Pierce the Veil. I sit down underneath a tree and I just stare out at the empty field beyond the school grounds. Alex and I used to just sit here and listen to music. In each other's arms, safe.

Suddenly someone sits down by me. I look over and Alex sits next to me.

"What do you want." I turn off the music and I lean my head against the tree.

"Don't shut me out, Sam. I love you."

"No you don't. You're trying to prove something to everyone. That you're not who your dad used to be."

"You're wrong. I'm in love with you, Sam. You're my life now. I can't handle you being mad at me." I scoff as tears spill over.

"Mad at you, Alex? How dare you think that I'm just mad. I'm 16, Alex. I'm pregnant. Of course, I'm a witch. I would never get rid of the baby because that's who I am. That's your fault. You can't change what happened."

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