5 Months Along

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I gently stroke my baby bump as I stare at my phone. I practice talking which I'm ashamed of.

"Hey Damon. I was wondering if you'd want to come up to the lakehouse because I'm going to find out the gender. And I want to talk." I groan.

"Just wing it Elena." I whisper to myself. I work up the courage to press the green phone. He picks up on the first ring.


"Hey. Damon, it's me."


"Hi." I let out a shaky breath.

"I-I was wondering... if y-you'd want... if you'd want... t-to come up to the lakehouse. I'm finding out the twins' genders today. You're still their father. I want you to be here. And I think we need to talk."

"Katherine already called me. I'm about 5 minutes away."

"Okay. I'll see you then." I hang up and go out into the living room.

"I told you that if you didn't call him within 5 minutes, I'd take it into my own hands."

"Thank you. I was really nervous."

"I know. And you're welcome."

"I'm just going to go out to the docks and wait for him."

"Okay." I go out onto the docks and I sit down. My ears prick up at the soft engine of a Camaro. I look up and Damon's car comes up the road. I turn my attention back to the water as I hear multiple car doors open then close. Alex and Aimee must be here. Maybe Sam. I hear Damon's normal boots on the docks. He sits down next to me and I keep staring out onto the water. I move my hand toward his and he finishes by linking our fingers together. I turn to him and he gives me a small smile. I scoot toward him and I lean in.

"I thought you were mad at me."

"I had time to think about things. Think about you. I was thinking about you constantly." He leans his forehead against mine and I gently press a kiss to his lips. We pull away and I hold him close to me.

"I love you, Damon."

"I love you too Elena." We sit there for a few minutes.

"Come on. Let's go find out the genders. Did you and Aimee and Alex pack some bags?" I ask.

"They did and I did hopefully."

"You're staying." He smiles then he helps me up.

"Let's go." We go toward the house and into my room where Meredith has all the stuff set up.

"Did you two bring money?" Aimee and Alex nod.

"Alright. And the two genders are..." Damon squeezes my hand gently.

"A girl and a boy." I laugh then hold out my hand. They both slap a fifty dollar bill into my hand and I laugh at them.

"A word of advice next time, a mother always knows. Or can make at least an 86% guess." It's their turn to laugh and they smile at us.

"So, Aunt Kat." Aimee starts.

"Uh oh."

"How many bedrooms are in this place?"

"10, why?" She and Alex exchange glances.

"And Aunt Mer, you have one too?"

"What are you getting at?"

"So, Alex can room with Sam, Hayden and I can room together, Caroline and Klaus can room with Katie, Stefan and Katherine with Nathan, Aunt Meredith and Uncle Ric, Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Bonnie will be together then you and Dad down here. So... can I make the call while I still have good service?"

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