A Surprise Guest and A Ball

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Oh my god, I am so sorry I haven't updated sooner! I've been really busy with school, but here it is!

It's hell, that's all I can say. Dying from a werewolf bite I mean. Klaus is about 1 hour away now, so I'm close to being healed. Alex, Aimee and I laugh a lot. I'm concerned though, Alex slept with Sam, and I don't know when or if he'll tell Elena. I sure as hell won't. That's his responsibility.

"Aimee, will you get me a blood bag from the cooler?" She nods then runs downstairs. Alex kicks my ass twice at Black Ops 2. Soon I hear the door open and footsteps on the stairs. Elena takes her coat off and puts her purse down. She goes over to me and I smile at her. Klaus comes in with Caroline's hand in his.

"You look like hell, mate."

"Last I checked I'm dying." He laughs a little. He bites his hand then squeezes it into one of my bourbon cups. He hands it to me.

"Cheers." I drink and I immediately start feeling better. Soon I feel fully healed and I stand up. I go over to Elena.

"Hey you."

"Hey back." She presses a kiss to my lips and I let my hands wander across her waist. We pull back and she flashes me the Elena version of the Damon Salvatore smirk, which is really sexy.

"Come on. We can have a movie night."

"Aww, but I want Delena fun time."


"Damon and Elena." She giggles and Alex comes in.

"Mom, can I talk to you?"

Elena's POV

I head out into the hallway with Alex.

"What's up?"

"I just wanted to say something..." I narrow my eyes at him.

"You slept with Sam didn't you." He goes wide eyed.

"W-What? No Mom, we didn't- I-I mean... Uh..."

"Do you love her?" He nods.

"Do you want to marry her someday?" He nods again.

"Just be careful. You have the vampire procreation gene too."

"Okay." I head back to our room when I feel arms pick me up. I squeal as Damon pretends to bite my neck.

"Damon!" I giggle and it starts to tickle.

"Okay! I give up!" He chuckles and picks me up bridal style.

"I love you."

"I love you more." I bite my lip.

"That's impossible." I whisper. He sets me down and I wrap my arms around his neck.

"You have no idea what your love does to me. I was the good girl. I had no passion, no adventure. I was holding back. It's not just that I change you, but you change me too Damon. You make me feel alive even if I am dead. You're my forever, Damon. I love you more than this entire world." He smiles and kisses me gently.

It's true. He's the bad boy. The one that makes all the wrong choices and does all the wrong things, the one that killed people, tortured people. But underneath that is a man capable of loving someone, making them feel alive. I was the good girl. I made all the right choices which was boring. The choice I will never regret is Damon. He's the love of my life. I never want to loose him, whether it be in death or separation. Death itself would be less painful than loosing him.

Damon and I sleep until about 3:00 the next afternoon. We wake up and go downstairs to see Sam and Alex cuddling on the couch watching a movie and Aimee sitting on the ground drawing.

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