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The whole world starts spinning. I stand up and I slide down the wall, running my fingers through my hair. How was this even possible? Elena starts shaking and fearfully looks over at me.

"Klaus, how is this possible?" She squeaks.

"When the first doppelganger was turned, she fell for her sire. After they slept together for the first time, they discovered she was pregnant. And only the vampire who turned her could get her pregnant because of the blood."

"How do you know?"

"Because I myself fathered the child." Elena goes wide eyed.

"It runs through the Petrova line. Even if you have a boy or girl, the gene will be passed on."

"I'm really pregnant?" Meredith nods. Elena goes over to me. She kneels on the ground and puts her hand on my knee and I let a sob escape my lips.

"I'm so sorry Elena."

"Hey, look at me." I look up at her.

"I love you. I'm old enough to be a mother. I'm so glad it's your baby, Damon." I pull her lips to mine and we start heading for the door.

"Damon, Elena, wait!" We both turn.

"I need to run a few more tests. And also, we need to confirm if the baby's a human or a vampire to measure how much blood Elena would have to drink in a day in order to keep the baby healthy if it is a vampire."

"I'm gonna run home and get you a change of clothes." She nods then I head out the door. When I come back, Elena is asleep. I gently shake her.

"Elena, I have your clothes and makeup remover and stuff." She nods and takes the bag into the bathroom. Meredith comes in and smiles.

"Congratulations, your baby is a vampire." Elena comes out I pull her into me.

"Well congrats Mr. Salvatore."

"On what Miss Gilbert?"

"You got a girl pregnant." I laugh and she crawls in the hospital bed. After she falls asleep, I gently place my hand on her stomach as I hear the baby's heartbeat.

"Hey there munchkin. I'm your daddy. I can't wait to meet you." I take the black velvet box out my pocket.

"Do you think Mommy will like it? This ring belonged to my mom. Although I'm not giving it to her just yet. I'm giving it to her in February on Valentine's Day." Elena stirs so I put it back in my pocket. Jeremy comes in and I smile at him.

"Why is she in here?"

"We have some amazing news." I whisper. He shrugs.

"Elena's currently carrying a baby."


"Hey, what'd I miss?" Alaric comes in and smiles at us.

"You missed the fact that my sister's pregnant." Jeremy says with a grin on his face.

"Damon, I wanted to tell them."

"Sorry Elena." She smiles at all of us then sits up.

"I now have to talk to them in private." She groans. I bring them out in the hall.

"So, I wanted to ask you two something, since Alaric, you are the main father figure in her life, and Little Gilbert, you are her little brother. So I was wondering," I take the diamond ring out of my pocket, "if you would both give me your blessing to marry Elena."

"What about my daughter?" I turn around to see John Gilbert.

"I thought you were dead."

"Little did I know, I had vampire blood in my system when I died." I gulp. Great, now I have to suck up to this asswipe.

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