Aimee Marie Salvatore

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I toss and turn all night. That's an overstatement. I CAN'T MOVE. I pull myself up to a sitting position as I look at my 9 month bump.

"Come on Aimee. Mama can't take this much longer." I don't remember it feeling this long with Alex, but that's because I was full of shame and embarrassment because I was pregnant at 17. Damon stirs beside me then groans.

"Elena, you need some sleep."

"I can't sleep. I'm too uncomfortable right now."

"Have you tried laying on your left side?" He asks, his voice muffled by the pillow.

"I've laid on my left side for 9 months. I got tired of my left side."

"Right side?"

"Damon, the right side is more uncomfortable than anything. So now I'm sitting up."

"Try a blood bag. Maybe Aimee's hungry."

"She's not." He sighs, sits up, rubs his eyes, then looks over at me.

"Okay, now I'm up. What can I do for my beautiful wife?"

"Get Aimee out."

"That's not within my capability, but I am capable of making you some breakfast."

"That sounds nice." I smile at him. He kisses me gently then goes downstairs. I pull myself out of bed and I put my robe on then I follow him. I'm huge now, and I'm seriously done with being pregnant. I love Aimee, I want to see her. RIGHT NOW. I lean against the counter and Damon smiles at me.

"I'm so over this. You suck." I mumble, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"As I recall, the sex was mutual." I groan.

"She's due tomorrow, Elena. You'll be alright." I groan again. He finishes breakfast then we go to wake Alex up. He's in a little play at the rec center, and Damon and I are doing needed last minute shopping for Aimee. I shower while Damon gives Alex a bath. I get out and I put a pair of black leggings underneath a long royal blue shirt. I can't wait until I'm skinny and hot again. Then my shirts will fit again. And I get to wear skinny jeans again. And heels. We drive Alex to the theater and walk him in. He kisses my bump gently and I smile.

"Just one more day, then we get to meet Aimee." His crystal blue eyes sparkle. His hair got darker over the past few months, and now it's raven black like Damon's. He still has my features, making him a perfect mix of Damon and I.

"Come on Elena. Let's do the last bit of shopping. Then tomorrow we'll get to meet our little girl." I smile and he keeps one hand on my bump and the other on the steering wheel. I intertwine our fingers and he smirks at me. We head into the store and we look at some more clothes. Damon won't let me see the nursery yet, and he keeps it locked. Ric has the key. Damon picks up a stuffed panda bear. I smile at him then I nod. He puts it in the cart and I feel a little pain. I shake it off and we finish shopping. We head home and Damon pulls me into him.

"I love you."

"I love you too." Damon puts the stuff in the nursery while I relax on the couch.

Leading up to the play, I get pains every 45 minutes or so.

In the middle of the second act, they become unbearable. I wince a little and Damon notices.

"Elena are you okay?"

"I don't know."

"What's the matter?" Wait- I think I've felt these before. Could they be... contractions? Oh my god. Suddenly, I feel something wet between my legs. My eyes go wide.

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