More Revalations

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"Elena." My mom says. She looks from me to Damon, then to the baby in my arms.

"Elena who are they?"

"Damon, this is Grayson and Miranda Gilbert." He goes wide eyed.

"And Elena, who is he to you?" Dad asks.

"My husband."

"May we come in?"

"You don't have to be invited. Only vampires live here." They step inside and I close the door.

"I don't get it. How are you alive?"

"After you were saved, we died. Then we woke up. A close friend of your mother's, a witch, predicted that something horrible would happen. So we took every precaution."

"You put vampire blood in your system."

"Yes. How were you turned?"

"If you want to spend an eternity with someone, you have to live forever. Damon is my husband and the father of my children."

"Vampires can't procreate."

"When doppelgangers are turned, they can still procreate. Damon and I are both doppelgangers. I was human when I had my son."

"And how old were you?" Dad's eyes move to Damon and he venomously glares at him. Damon gulps.

"I was 17. But I love him. I think I've always loved him."

"Where's this son now?"

"Alex, sweetie will you come here?" He jumps off the couch and runs into my arms.

"I want you to meet some people. This is Grayson and Miranda. They're your grandparents on my side."

"Hi." He waves and they smile at him, then he looks up at me.

"Mom, can you help me with the math problems?"

"Have Daddy help you, okay?" He nods. Damon sits down on the couch with him.

"Can we talk in the kitchen?"

"Of course. Where's Jeremy?"

"He still lives at the old house."

"So are you happy?"

"I'm so happy. I got to have children with one of the people I love most in this world."

"One of those people is a murderous vampire." Dad shoots at me. I snap.

"Excuse me?"

"You know what Damon Salvatore has done, don't you?"

"You're in no god damn place to judge. You want to hear my life in a nutshell since you've been gone?"

"Shoot." He folds his arms across his chest.

"I met a vampire before you died. Except he compelled me to forget him. That was Damon. Then I met Stefan Salvatore. He lied to me about the former and now love of his life, making me crash my car in the road. And if it weren't for Damon, a vampire would've sucked me dry and I would just be dead. He took me to Georgia, we slept together, and guess what? Here comes a little Salvatore, which I had to hide from him for 5 years. Then I came back from Syracuse where I had Alex, then I found out that my history teacher and now father figure's dead wife and my uncle were my biological mother and father. I was lied to my entire life about my parents. Then my escort to Miss Mystic Falls was out on a blood bender, and who stepped up to save me from the embarrassing moment? Damon. Then, Klaus comes along. What happens to me? I become a martyr and I want to die to save everyone. Who convinces me it's okay to live? Damon. Then I get sacrificed anyways, and who saved me? John. My father. Then, Damon pulled me from where I was sacrificed and took me to safety. Aunt Jenna also died in that sacrifice. Yes. She's dead. Then Damon's brother gave up everything to save him from a werewolf bite. He came back then left me again, then I went to Denver with Damon and we slept together again. Later that year, Damon says he's never going to loose me and turns me. I was angry, I didn't see him for about 4 or 5 years, then I called him and then I realized how in love with him I am. After that happened, here comes another little Salvatore! What does Damon do? He asks me to marry him in the most romantic way! I said yes. Then before Aimee came, Damon and I got married. Who gave me away? John. Then I had Aimee. And now here I am. Notice how your names weren't brought up once! You never did anything for me while I was going through hell. And Jeremy! Your biological son! He was going through a worse hell than I was. And now, after 6 years, you decide to come back when I'm 23, and tell me that my husband is a murderous vampire?!? Yeah, he did some pretty awful things, but he also saved my life. Repeatedly. What were you doing? Watching us from a safe distance." I take a deep breath in and they stare at me with wide eyes.

"So no. You're in no place to judge, Dad." He gulps and I go into the living room. I immediately run into Damon's strong arms. Stefan and Katherine walk in. Kat is at my side almost instantly.

"Elena what's wrong?"

"They're alive."


"My parents. They've been alive this entire time." I see Stefan gulp from my place on the couch. Damon lets me go.

"That wasn't true, was it?" I turn my head to face my mother and father. They shake their heads.

"YOU SELFISH ASSHOLE!!!!!" I scream at him.


"They made me promise when they woke up."

"THAT DOESN'T MATTER!!! YOU KNEW! THIS ENTIRE TIME YOU KNEW!!" I fall back into something, I look up to see Damon holding me bridal style.

"Come on." He whispers gently. I sob into his shirt and he pulls me closer as we head upstairs. I feel the soft bedding under me and Damon pulls the covers up on me, then lies down next to me.

Damon's POV

I've never seen her so upset. She looks so broken.

Alex comes in with Aimee in his arms, and I take her as he pulls himself on the bed.

"Daddy, is Mama okay?"

"Mama's not doing too good. She's hurting right now."

"What happened?"

"She was lied to for 6 years. That's all I'm going to say. Why don't you show them out?" He nods and runs downstairs.

"Did you know?" Her voice is muffled by the pillow.

"No. I swear to you I didn't know." She gives me a small smile then turns her attention to Aimee. Alex comes back upstairs and lays Aimee on his lap. I turn on Netflix and Alex picks a movie. We settle on Brother Bear, Alex's favorite movie. When Aimee starts to get sleepy, Elena and I take her into the nursery.

"I can't believe that all of them lied to me. You and Jeremy and Ric, Caroline and Bonnie, John... those are some of the only people I can trust."

"You shouldn't have done that."


"Stood up for me." I go to walk away when I hear her voice.

"Damon, I love you. I'll love you for all eternity. And that was all true. You saved me from being human and dying over someone I didn't know I wasn't in love with anymore. You tried to save me from Klaus and yes, you had the worst tactics ever but I came back. Damon, you are the best thing that's ever happened to me. And nobody is going to tell me any different because that is my choice." I turn around and she looks at me in a way nobody has since my mother half died. A look that makes the wall around my heart melt like metal in lava. I walk over to her, a simple 3 steps, then I crash my lips to hers.

We head back into our room. I lay on the bed, my arms wrapped around the thing I never thought I'd have. A family.

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