Chapter 34 - Family Affairs

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His hands clenched together, Plan was trying to run basic calculations for his research project in his mind while he sat in the comfortable armchair in his room. His packed duffle bag and his sleeping mat were lying on the floor next to him, ready to go if necessary.

He had needed to roll up all his new clothes tightly and squeeze them into the bag to have room for everything – a testament to how much his life had already changed since he had accepted a room at the Attachitsataporn mansion.

Mean was talking to his parents. Plan had offered to accompany him, for moral support, but Mean had declined. He wanted to talk to them alone, first.

It was understandable. Mean had been nervous and on edge for three days until he had finally mustered the courage to do it.

It was getting urgent – there had been a follow-up article by the Black Hand leader on her blog, insinuating that there might be more than one gay in White Hand, but still not naming any names. Mean needed to know how all the important people in his life would react to his sexual orientation, now, before any rumours about him might force his hands.

Even if his family were to disapprove, it was better to be prepared than just sit it out until she could do the damage she wanted to do.

After the article had appeared, Viola had concluded that the Black Hand leader likely thought Mean was straight and by keeping the rumours vague, she wanted to provoke him. The way the article was formulated, it looked like they had found out about Plan's and Win's past relationship.

But they obviously didn't see any value in outing them by name, yet. Which could only mean... she didn't suspect anything between Mean and Plan.

But one tiny slip up, and they would be doomed.

It was unnerving in itself.

Plan didn't expect Mean's family to disapprove or be harsh to them because of their relationship. The way he had gotten to know them since moving in, they had always been nice and supportive of him, and they had put a lot of emphasis on being a healthy, loving family.

They wouldn't jeopardise this image needlessly.

Still, he had packed his bags – you could call it superstition. He thought that if he was ready for the worst, it wouldn't happen; like it only ever seemed to rain if he forgot to bring an umbrella on a cloudy day – and if he didn't forget it, he carried the thing around all day needlessly.

He had also contacted Birk and Ellie again to ask if he could crash at their place once more if he was thrown out. They had only scolded him for not staying in contact with them after he had become famous – but they had happily agreed.

If the worst-case scenario was to realise itself, he would have to assess the damage, weigh his options and then move on. He had so many more options than he had before, that he couldn't know which one would be the best course of action until Mean returned.

He should really return... soon.

What took him so long?

One way or the other, Plan just wanted to have clarity. Whether he could stay here, whether he needed to fight for their relationship, whether the family's attitude towards him would change, whether he needed to go abroad to pursue his career... anything, everything.

All he knew was that he couldn't go back to the village anymore.

When he could hear steps in the corridor, rapidly approaching, he automatically braced himself.

There was a knock on the door, but Mean didn't wait for him to answer – he stormed into the room, smiling from ear to ear, relaxed in a way Plan had never seen him before.

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