Chapter 7 - what is fate anyway?

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Mean had a problem.

His face.

Normally, his looks were one of his main assets and it helped him in a lot of ways. But right now, he was trying to get as friendly as possible with Plan before he found out who he was... and since he had starred in the advertising campaign for his family's new airline, people tended to recognise him.

He hadn't really thought of it when he had first gone down to get drinks, since he hadn't pretended to be anyone else then – and he had disappeared into the side corridor when he had followed Plan, before people had realised he was at this club.

He wished he had taken something with him that he could wear to hide behind, glasses maybe or a scarf. Instead, he kept his head down in an unassuming posture as he went to the bar.

"Hi, what can I get y-" Plan stopped his routine when he recognised him and smiled, "oh, hi again, stranger. Do you want to order something?"

Mean automatically smiled back. Even though he had been watching Plan work all evening, he still couldn't get over how hot he looked in his work clothes, without the dishevelled hair and the enormous glasses.

Though the glasses were cute, too, in a different way.

He considered what he should order. Alcohol didn't do him any favour tonight, maybe he should order soda or something?

Come to think of it, he actually didn't really want to order anything.

"When does your shift end?"

Feeling a bit tipsy might not be all bad. He probably wouldn't have dared to ask if he was sober – and if Vic's words weren't still echoing in his brain.

He didn't want Vic to make a pass at Plan. So... he needed to rescue him first. That was what he was doing.

A rescue mission.

Nothing else.

Plan looked at his watch.

"I worked the opening shift today, so... I'll be off soon."

Why was he so unspecific again?

Back to square one?

"Soon as in... five minutes or soon as in an hour?"


Had he really closed himself off again already?

"I just thought..."

Why was he so reluctant all of a sudden? Mean wasn't usually like this.

Well, okay, that wasn't true, he wasn't usually like this except when he was talking to someone he found attractive.

Rescue mission.

He needed to remember that he was on a rescue mission.

"Do you want to go somewhere else with me? As friends?"

Instead of answering, Plan walked over to Grit, exchanged a few words with her that Mean couldn't hear in the loud music of the club and when he came back, he smiled.

"Let's go."

Perplexed, Mean looked around and followed Plan, who was already on his way towards the staff room.

Luckily, Mean didn't have a jacket or a bag he needed to fetch – he didn't trust Plan not to make a run for it if he let him out of his sight.

Before he disappeared into the back corridor, Mean looked up to the VIP gallery and waved a goodbye in the general direction of his friends. Viola waved back. Mean was too focussed on not losing Plan to notice the wide grin on his best friend's face.

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