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Lenna dodged another beam from the Chitauri flying overhead and morphed back into a human. Without thinking about it she grabbed her sword and flicked it outwards, unsheathing it, and began slicing at the monsters. She spun around when she heard a snarling right behind her and swung her arm back. Lenna would've been too late if Thor hadn't touched down and killed her Chituari and a few of the others.

"What's the story upstairs?" Cap asked.

"The power surrounding the cube is impenetrable," he told him.

"Thor's right, we gotta deal with these guys," Tony said, over comms.

"How do we do this?" Nat asked, slightly out of breath.

"As a team," Steve replied, rather patriotically.

"No, but seriously," Lenna said, "like, actually how do we fight these guys. I'm talking fighting tactics; like, I've found lightning is extremely effective so if Thor could--"

"I have unfinished business with Loki," Thor interrupted.

"Now, see I'm thinking--"

"Oh, yeah?" Clint interrupted, adjusting something on his arrows, "Get in line."

"Save it," Cap said abruptly. "Loki's gonna keep this fight focused on us and that's what we need. Without him, these things could run wild. We got Stark up top, he's gonna need us to--"

He turned around at the sound of a motorcycle pulling up. Lenna blinked twice as she saw Bruce hop off the bike.

"So, this all seems horrible," Bruce said, giving Lenna a side hug.

"I've seen worse," Natasha said, apprehensively.

"Sorry," Bruce said, sheepishly.

"No we could-- use a little worse."

"Stark, we got him," Steve said.


"Just like you said.

"Then tell him to suit up. I'm bringing the party to you."

Tony flew around a building, bringing a Leviathan with him.

"I-I don't see how that's a party."

Bruce turned and began marching straight towards that thing.

"Doctor Banner now might be a really good time for you to get angry," Steve advised.

"That's my secret, Cap. I'm always angry."

"Dang," Lenna said. "Even I'm not that angry." She thought about Coulson. "Actually--"

She was cut off by Hulk's roaring and punching. "Brings back the good times, eh?" she jested to Thor who turned and shielded her from the falling bits of Alien-Whale.

The sky cleared and Lenna straightened up, brandishing her sword, blood dripping from the end of it. She looked around at the others and whispered, "I bet we look so badass right now."

MORPH ✿ T. Stark's Daughter [Rewriting!]Where stories live. Discover now