Chapter 1

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Merlin’s POV

Merlin woke up covered in sweat. He wiped his forehead with the back of his hand, shuddering when he remembered the dream that had forced him awake.

Arthur was dying.

Merlin, quick to shake it off, stood up and looked at the time. “Shoot! I’m late waking up Arthur!” He grabbed his clothes, using his magic to get dressed quickly. He ran out the door, nearly crashing into Gwen as he rounded the corner. “Hi Gwen!” He said and rushed off. Gwen rolled her eyes. “Typical Merlin,” she sighed. 

Merlin stopped right in front of Arthur’s chamber doors and opened them slowly. As he saw the prince asleep on his bed, he walked over to the window, pulling back the curtains to let in the sun. “Good morning princess!” he sang. Arthur only grunted and rolled over. “I swear Arthur.” Merlin came over and pulled the blankets off of the drowsy prince. “Merlin,” Arthur complained. “Oh come on you have work to do. First a meeting with the knights, then training the recruits. Oh and don’t forget that dinner with Princess Rebecca and King Marter tonight. Who knows? Maybe she’ll be the one.” Merlin waggled his eyebrows at Arthur. “Oh, and you better get going. I may have let you sleep in.” Arthur groaned and threw a pillow at him. “You lazy buffoon, you forgot to wake me up again.” Arthur sighed.


Later that afternoon, Arthur walked into his chambers to find Merlin asleep, holding Arthur’s clothes that he was folding. He was about to wake him up to help him take off his armor when he realized how tired Merlin had looked these past few days. Instead of making Merlin do it, he attempted to take it off himself. Unfortunately, not too long after that Arthur dropped a piece of armor, waking Merlin with a start. “Oh! Arthur! I’m so sorry I was just folding clothes and..” “Merlin you’re such a girl. Stop your blubbering. It’s fine.” Merlin gave him a sideways look. He wasn’t used to the future king being nice. “Wipe that stupid look off your face and help me out of this armor.” Merlin rushed over and with deft fingers, quickly got Arthur out of his armor. 

“Alright then, better get you ready for tonight.” Merlin stated as he went to get Arthur’s clothes from the wardrobe. “Ah yes, I forgot. Dinner with Princess Rebecca tonight.” Was that sadness he detected in the Prince’s voice? “I’m sure you’ll have a good time Arthur. She can’t be that bad.” Merlin shrugged. “It’s just that Father wants me to get married, and this is just another one of his attempts to get me to find a bride.” He felt for his friend. Merlin vowed to never get married unless he could marry someone he loved. 

But ever since Freya, he couldn't imagine that happening. 

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