Chapter 9

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“Come on Merlin. What is it?” 

Merlin hid his face but stuck out his hands. “Let me show you.”

Merlin sighed and whispered a few words, his eyes flashing gold. Before Arthur’s eyes, a small blue butterfly appeared out of nowhere and fluttered around Arthur’s chambers. Arthur fell back onto a chair with shock and put his face in his hands. 

“Merlin, you have magic?” 

Merlin nodded solemnly and looked down at Arthur with tears in his eyes. He then picked up a sword and handed it to him. “Go on then. Kill me. Kill me for something I was born with. That’s right Arthur. I didn’t choose to practice magic. That makes me a warlock, not a sorcerer. But magic is evil right? So do it. Kill me.” 

Arthur shook his head with angry tears and stood up with the sword in his hand, leveling it to Merlin’s chest. With one swift motion, he let the sword clatter to the ground.

“Wh-What?” Merlin questioned with a stutter. Arthur cracked a smile. “I wouldn’t kill you Merlin. Though I’m quite disappointed you didn’t tell me.” 

“You’re not mad?” Merlin questioned. 

“Furious, actually.” 


“But I love you too much to care right now, even if you are as intelligent as a rat and as clumsy as a… well, a Merlin. Nothing has even been as clumsy you.” Arthur laughed and took him into a hug. He leaned down for a kiss, and just as their lips grazed…

Percival and Lancelot ran in. 

“Sire…look I know your horny right now but...”    

Merlin and Arthur broke apart with a groan. “What is it?” Arthur sighed. “I’m sorry if it’s a bad time, m'lord, but we have a situation.” “Yes yes, what is it?” Percival frowned. 

“Morgana is requesting the presence of Arthur and his manservant."

When you least expect it - A Merthur FanficWhere stories live. Discover now