Chapter 4

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When Arthur finally found him, he was asleep on the floor next to Arthur’s bed. Arthur smiled down warmly at his tuckered out manservant. He scooped him up in his arms, and laid him gently on the bed and headed off to find Leon. 

“Leon, can you prepare the horses? I’m going on a hunt.” Leon nodded his head in agreement but had to ask. “Where’s Merlin?” Arthur felt heat begin to creep into his cheeks. “Asleep.” Leon sighed. “Finally gave him that day off did you?” “Something like that.”


Three hours later

Merlin’s POV

Merlin awoke with his face flushed. He was disoriented and couldn’t see straight when he noticed how comfortable the bed beneath him was. Certainly not how his bed was. Then he noticed the smell. Not the scent of Gaius’ herbs and potions brewing, but the smell of soap and food, and maybe a bit of sweat. 

“Arthur’s smell”

But what was Merlin doing in Arthur’s bed? 

He sat up and looked around. “Yep, definitely Arthur’s chambers.” 

Merlin quickly scrambled out of Prince Arthur Pendragon’s bed. 

He burst into Gaius’ room. “Gaius! Where are you?” At that point Gaius walked into the room. “Merlin? Where have you been? You’re an hour late helping me with deliveries!” Merlin gave an apologetic smile. “I was in Arthur’s room.” Gaius, upon hearing this and seeing his disheveled appearance, widened his eyes. “No, wait, Gaius, it’s not what you think! I fell asleep accidentally!” Gaius smiled a knowing smile and Merlin wasn’t sure why. Then something hit him. “Arthur, where’s Arthur?” With that, Merlin was gone, and Gaius sighed. 

Percival's POV

“Percival! Percival!” He heard his name being called. He turned his head to see a certain raven-haired boy making his way over to him. “Ah, Merlin, how may I be of assistance?” He asked the clumsy manservant. “Have you seen Arthur?” Percival smiled to himself. 

Merlin’s POV 

“The Prince went on a hunting trip.” “Without me?” Merlin struggled to keep the sadness out of his voice. He didn’t even know why he was sad. Percival smirked. “I suppose so, but I’m sure he wouldn’t have gone without you if he could have helped it.”

“What was that supposed to mean?” 

“Well, thank you for your help Percival.” 

Merlin was walking too fast beside him to hear Percival mumble “Maybe Gwaine is right.” 

That was when he heard the clopping of horse hooves.

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