Chapter 10

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Merlin and Arthur looked at him in astonishment. Then Arthur picked up his sword with an angry scowl and ran out the door.

When Merlin finally caught up to Arthur, he found him already mounted on a horse and waiting for him. Merlin smiled. “What is it Merlin we don’t have much time.” Merlin’s smile widened. “That’s the first time you didn’t make me saddle up the horses.” Arthur rolled his eyes. “Don’t get used to it. Now let’s go.”

Riding out into the woods was silent except for the beating of the horse’s hooves on the forest floor. Before they reached the clearing, Arthur slowed to a stop. Merlin, a few feet behind him, quickly followed suit. “Arthur, what is it?”

Arthur turned to face him. Without warning, he kissed Merlin passionately, but then broke it off. Merlin put his fingers to his lips. “What was that for.” Instead of answering the question, he said something different.

“I love you”

Merlin looked at him in shock.

“I love you too.”

Arthur smiled. “Let’s go.”

They walked into the clearing, hand in hand, where Morgana was. She laughed. “I knew it! I knew it the whole time!” Arthur and Merlin looked at her in confusion. “What do you mean, Morgana?” She could only laugh harder. “You and Merlin. That’s the only reason I invited him you know. I knew you liked him!” Merlin and Arthur both blushed. Then Arthur just for show, leaned down and playing a quick kiss on Merlin’s lips. He blushed and Morgana smiled. “That’s so cute! Anyways, the reason I invited you here was to talk about Arthur’s upcoming coronation. I’ve decided to extend a truce. If you relent the throne now, and allow me to rule over Camelot, I will let you and Merlin go in peace. Far, far away.”

Now it was Arthur’s turn to laugh. “Relent Camelot? To the likes of you?” “Yes, and it would be in your favor.” She replied. Arthur shook his head and Merlin looked between the two. “Oh really, why is that?” Arthur questioned. Morgana smiled. “If you want to continue your little love fest, then I suggest you hand over the kingdom. If not, we can arrange for your death.” Now it was Merlin’s turn to laugh. “Not a chance Princess, he’s got me.”

“And what are you gonna do about it, Merlin?” Merlin sighed. “Why does everyone accent only the first part of my name? And also, the name’s Emrys.” With a flick of his wrist and a flash of gold, Morgana was thrown backward into a tree. “Emrys…” she hissed. “Yeah.”

She raised her hands and said something under her breath, her eyes flashing blood red. A circle of fire grew around Merlin. “Merlin!” Arthur cried. Merlin just smiled. He whispered something under his breath and the fire extinguished. Morgana was not happy. With a screech, she said something that threw Merlin back against a tree. “Morgana… ya can’t ooze da seme one as meh.” Merlin slurred. Morgana laughed. “Merlin, you sound Irish.” He smiled too. “Da I?” Then he lifted his hand and sent Excalibur flying from Arthur’s scabbard and into Morgana’s heart. With a crash, she tumbled to the ground.

Merlin ran over. He saw Morgana laying there, barely keeping her eyes open. Arthur ran up next to him with sadness in his eyes. Morgana then looked at them both and smiled, and with her last final breath, she whispered, “Look out behind you.”

Arthur whipped around and saw Mordred, who drove a sword into Arthur’s heart.

“No!” Merlin cried and drew Excalibur from Morgana, killing Mordred in one blow. Breathing heavily, he leaned down to Arthur and started incanting. “Merlin, Merlin stop.”

“No!” Merlin cried and kept incanting. “Look at me.” Finally, Merlin stopped, looking Arthur in the eyes. “Just hold me, please.” Merlin sobbed but held him. “Kiss me.” And he did. He kissed Arthur more passionately than he did his pillow all the nights that he was single, every girl he’d ever been with, and even more passionately than he had ever kissed Arthur before. He kissed him with his love, his frustration, his anger, his sadness. And Arthur responded best he could. As they broke apart, with Arthur’s last breath, he said, “I love you.”

And with that, Arthur died.

A sob racked Merlin’s soul as the great dragon descended upon them. “He’s dead.” He whispered. “Ah yes, but when Albion’s need is greatest, Arthur will rise again.” Kilgharrah promised. Merlin looked up. “And how long will that be?” Kilgharrah shook his head. “That, I cannot foretell.” With that, he flew away, and Merlin could only cry, but he had hope. Hope that one day, within the ashes of Camelot, Arthur would rise again, and he would be with his lover at last. Who would have thought, Merlin, the servant, to end up with the King of Camelot? It was a fairy tale like no other. Moreover, it happened when he least expected it.

But now he’s gone.

The End! 😂

Author’s Note

Sorry for the sad ending guys, but worry not! I will make a part 2 that is Modern AU, when Arthur returns! So dry your eyes and have hope! Thank you all for reading and supporting me! I love you all!

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