Chapter 3

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Merlin woke up from another horrifying dream about the prince’s death. Sweaty and disoriented, he went over to the bathroom to wash his face. He realized that it was useless going back to sleep so he went down to the kitchen to make Arthur’s breakfast. He brought it up to his room and pulled back the curtains. “Merlin. It’s early.” “Just making up for yesterday.” Merlin gave Arthur that dopey grin. Arthur felt himself begin to crack a smile but did his best to hide it. “It didn’t need making up for!” he groaned. “There really is no pleasing you is there.” 

Arthur’s POV

“Alright Arthur. Today you only have training with the knights.” Merlin informed him. “Great.” He sighed. He loved days where he only had to train. “Here’s your breakfast.” Merlin laid his tray down in front of him. It consisted of porridge, two sausages, and an apple. Arthur looked at the tray then up at Merlin. “Did you eat breakfast?” “Of course Sire.” Arthur looked at him accusingly. “Your lying again.” Merlin looked down. “Merlin you need to eat. Your too skinny as it is.” Merlin cracked a smile and looked at Arthur. “I’m just balancing you out.” “Did you just call me fat?” Arthur glared at Merlin. “Of course not...Sire” Merlin laughed as he ran out the door. “Merlin!” Arthur threw his apple at the retreating figure.

Merlin chuckled to himself as he closed Arthur’s door. “Merlin will be the death of me.” Arthur thought with a grumble. He heard a knock on the door. “Come in!” Arthur called, picking up a pillow to toss at Merlin. As soon as a head popped into view, Arthur threw the pillow and heard a yelp. Then Arthur saw who it was.

Gwen’s POV

“Gwen! Oh, I’m so sorry! I thought you were Merlin.” Gwen began to laugh. “You and Merlin. Always bantering.” She sighed. “Here’s your laundry.” Arthur thanked her and she excused herself. Once outside, she shook her head. “Those two will never realize.”


Arthur’s POV

Arthur was the best at sword fighting. He knew it. As he disarmed Gwaine and held the sword over his heart, he knew he had won. He smirked at Gwaine. “Valiant attempt Gwaine, but you’ll have to do better than that to beat me. Gwaine then smiled maniacally and said, “Are you sure about that?” Arthur shrugged. He was sure. Suddenly Gwaine looked behind Arthur and waved. “Hey Merlin!” He called. “What?” Arthur turned to look. In that instant, Gwaine got his sword and disarmed Arthur. Arthur felt heat spread over his face. Gwaine snickered and mocked Arthur. “Valiant attempt Arthur, but you’ll have to do better than that to beat me.” With that, Gwaine sauntered off.


Gwaine’s POV

“Alright Leon, we have a problem.” Gwaine stated. “What is it this time Gwaine?” Leon sighed. “It’s Arthur.” Leon immediately sat up straighter. “What about him?”

“He’s a fool.”


“So, Leon, I need your help.” With that, Gwaine gave a small but diabolical laugh.

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